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The Destruction Of Progress – Save Yourself


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It's just one of those things man. Most people wouldn't even notice, but those that are more clued up will notice and it creates bad vibes with the members solely because it's more of an "underhand" (maybe that isn't the right way to describe it though) tactic and that can backfire on you, as it kind of has here.


@dopp - This site is owned by the people that have donated to keeping it running. I don't see it as "my" site (even if I sometimes refer to it that way when talking about it elsewhere), cos I was just one of a few people that helped build it and I'm now the main person that maintains it, but that doesn't make it mine. Any rules I set are based on what I think is best for the site and the people who visit it, but I may fuck up from time to time, so if people disagree with something then things can be changed. I looked at spindoctor's threads and thought "if I lived in London, would any of this interest me?" and the answer is "yes", so as a lot of you live in London I thought you might also find some of it interesting, but I do agree with you about the lack of responses to questions.

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Whoa, nice thread guys.


Chris - I like you and you're usually a very constructive/helpful guy but you're pretty out of line here breh. You're tooling out over that one post Kwote made on your vid that was saying swing wasn't scratching off beat. I thought you were a bit out of line in that thread as well because like you didn't explicitly say "you're a twat", he didn't explicitly say "your scratching is off beat", and I thought he was making a fair enough point (I used to think swing/funk had to do with being off beat as well for a long time).


I think it's mostly the style of Kwote's writing that's making people spazz more than what he's actually posting/writing. It does have the feel of an advertisement a lot of times. I feel like if he was just directly linking to a product that he was selling then that's one thing, but the fact is that everything he's linking to in his posts are FREE. He's putting up long ass articles about scratching theory that he obviously put a lot of time/energy/thought into, for FREE. They're not random shit articles, they're actually relevant concepts that A LOT of up and coming scratchers sleep on, and he's talking about a lot of stuff that actually is very different than the traditional Qbert teaching style of "learn as many named scratches as you can".


Yes he has an option to get private lessons from him for money but god there's like no one out there even doing that and there's definitely a need for it. I say props for doing something constructive for the artform while trying to make a bit of money at it (let's face it, he's probably not making a killing from it, he's mostly doing it for the love). Kwote's been around for eons even though he hasn't been on DV that much, he's not just some random bozo.

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Whoa, nice thread guys.


Chris - I like you and you're usually a very constructive/helpful guy but you're pretty out of line here breh. You're tooling out over that one post Kwote made on your vid that was saying swing wasn't scratching off beat. I thought you were a bit out of line in that thread as well because like you didn't explicitly say "you're a twat", he didn't explicitly say "your scratching is off beat", and I thought he was making a fair enough point (I used to think swing/funk had to do with being off beat as well for a long time).


I think it's mostly the style of Kwote's writing that's making people spazz more than what he's actually posting/writing. It does have the feel of an advertisement a lot of times. I feel like if he was just directly linking to a product that he was selling then that's one thing, but the fact is that everything he's linking to in his posts are FREE. He's putting up long ass articles about scratching theory that he obviously put a lot of time/energy/thought into, for FREE. They're not random shit articles, they're actually relevant concepts that A LOT of up and coming scratchers sleep on, and he's talking about a lot of stuff that actually is very different than the traditional Qbert teaching style of "learn as many named scratches as you can".


Yes he has an option to get private lessons from him for money but god there's like no one out there even doing that and there's definitely a need for it. I say props for doing something constructive for the artform while trying to make a bit of money at it (let's face it, he's probably not making a killing from it, he's mostly doing it for the love). Kwote's been around for eons even though he hasn't been on DV that much, he's not just some random bozo.


I second what Vek said.


It's more the way he comes, drops the shit then leaves.


Every time I see you reply to a thread I wish you would do the same thing.



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It's more the way he comes, drops the shit then leaves.


Every time I see you reply to a thread I wish you would do the same thing.


Way to not address any of my points Pekked. But why break the habit of a lifetime?

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Interesting thread, glad its turned into vekked pwning Dopp.


Incidentally Dopp, at first I was abit down on spindoctor's posts, but to be fair if i lived in london I'd be interested in those nights, and thus I think its good that they're on here, and also they're nights with decent artists, he's not saying "come check me out spinning at blahblahblah"

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