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How computer literate are you?


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As the thread title says, how computer literate would you say you are? Here's the scale we'll use: -


0 = I can't find the "any" key! When I press this button on the front of my 'puter, a cup holder comes out!


10 = Check out this awesome new site I coded entirely in HTML using the computer that I built from scratch!


On that scale, I'd say that I'm a 6. I can build a computer from scratch and I know my way around Windows well and can troubleshoot hardware/software issues, but I know very little about programming.

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If you're a 6 Steve I'd be a 5 and a half.


Have built a computer and tried Linux but we didn't get on. Can work my way aorund virtual machines and stuff. Can troubleshoot most Windows issues but I'm crap at networking and programming. Also don't know Macs. I have SHIT HOT Word skills. I can make text bold and everything.

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I'd probably be a 7 then.


I've built a few computers from scratch. I can use both Macs and PC's equally well. I know Creative Suite, XHTML/CSS, plus various Content Management Systems inside out as I work full time as a Web Designer. I also know how to implement jQuery and PHP scripts, but I'm no programmer.

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There's a lot of shit I don't know or care about that a lot of people do but going by you scale I'm about 40 because coding HTML or building shit registers at about the lowest level of intellegence in my mind when I think of computing (unless you are talking about building one with a soldering iron it which case thats a bit more hardcore).


Basically I understand at a pretty deep level how the hardware, processors & memory works as well as operating systems, file systems and security and my job is writing software (html doesn't come close to programming lol) and working with windows, linux, mac os & more. However I know loads of computer nerds who know fuck all about the underlying systems compared to me but have know loads of shit about customizing/hacking windows, removing a virus, differnt anti-malware programs, and they can rant all sort of number relating to graphics cards & memory and fuck know which means nothing to me (often I think it means nothing to them either but they can't stop repeating it at me trying to out do with with computer knowledge...I really don't give a fuck).


Also I have no interest in keeping up with what's out and latest technology so whenever I buy a new computer I go an ask people who keep up with that shit even though they technically might understand the workings less. Also other people are much more suited to fixing peoples problems, I can normally fix a problem if I'm sat infront of the computer but I may no necessarily know where to start, it's more of an instictive thing + deduction because my general attitude toward my comptuers is keep them super clean and free from trouble where as someone who fills their machines up with cracks random crap and fixes mates computers all the time might be aware of the problems and know the exact fix, also for exampple I know nothing about reg cleaner or how to use hijackthis or shit like that.


Basically what I'm getting at is I know a lot technically about computers but no I do fucking not want to fix your problem you fucking retard.

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I would probably put myself at a 5


I know my way around most software, excel word etc are pretty straight forward for me. especially Excel. I got to the stage where I could make graphs with sliders and drop down menus. Ive not used it much since all the software i use now is in German. I cant seem to cope well with other software or unfamiliar interfaces though. I cant operate a Mac or get ubuntu working on a computer, even with following instructions.

Im rather internet savvy, i know where to look for answers and whats genuine or a scam. but i still struggle when getting the odd tricky virus.

Hardware wise, I am actually building a computer right now. I have the mother board, CPU, RAM, hard drive, graphics card, power supply and DVD writer. Im just waiting on the case to be delivered next week before I go and order windows 7. I havent actually looked at how it all fits together though, Im hoping i will work it all out once my case arrives and I start connecting wires to different things.

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I reckon I'm a 6 in the overall scheme of things but then it's not my day job. Have built desktop PCs in the past, pretty confident around Windows and can do some basic VBA coding if needed. I find with Windows 7 (and maybe not doing any audio work in a while) I don't really have any need to fuck around with it, whereas on XP I used to endlessly Ghost images on and off, install bullshit, clean bullshit, defragment and basically waste time.

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