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2 questions for any of you that mix


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started pitch at quartz lock, 4 beats and it's locked ;)

That mix is out all the way through biatch.


Dubs words where '90% in in the first bar but about a minute to get it tight', I'd say that's pretty much what the file demonstrated ;)

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it really all depends. i guess about 30 secs to a 1 min max. when i do mixtapes, i've practiced the mixes a few times before i record. and i usually write down the pitches. the few times i've gone straight live, if i cant get the beats matched just right, thats when you gotta get creative. slam mixes, start/stops, and backspins. most dj's ive heard in the clubs lately cant beatmatch worth a shit anyway. all slam mixes.

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Ive had to do a mix live without headphones before (recently actually).

When trying to cue the next record up the headphones would only play the master output for some reason. managed to hear a little bit of the next record (easier by just listening to the headshell in the end) and then dropping it in with just the highs every so often and beat matching that way....only took a few seconds to get it mostly beatmatched then a further 10-20secs to get it finely tuned

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the time varies for me.. sometimes ill pressure myself to get the beats matched up by the end of the 1st or 2nd chorus.. sometimes it doesnt always sound clean so ill end up having to throw it down at the end of the track...


but a minute is long enough.. you should have your track ready ASAP.


i would say sometimes it takes me longer just to decide on what track to play next than it does to actually match the bpms...

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