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If all drugs were legal..........


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Maybe nobody has died, but has anyone ever suffered from depression, anxiety, paranoia or more serious mental illness because of cannabis?



And Alcoholism does what again?

I know me and all my friends just smoke weed, no ciggs. Even if your friends or the people you know smoke tobacco and weed, it doesn't negate the argument that tobacco is better than weed (which it isnt).

Personally, i don't know anyone who has let pot influence them to try "harder" drugs. Then again, the people i know of who do do the harder drugs (aren't my friends) and have BIGGER problems than drugs.

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Well you're going back to the old argument of alcohol is harmful so why not legalise weed? There's no denying alcohol causes harm, but that's no reason to legalise any other drug.


You can speak from your experience and I'll speak from mine. Maybe you're younger than me and your friends are yet to experience harder drugs, who knows?


In the UK there would be little point legalising it anyway. If it was sold in shops, no doubt there would be a massive tax on it and you'd turn to your normal sources anyway. Also, you won't be able to smoke in any public places soon enough, so it's not like you'd ever be able to sit in a bar smoking a spliff. It's a class C drug so if you get caught with a bit of personal you're only likely to have a slap on the wrist and the weed taken off you.

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how is weed worse than ciggs?! i believe otherwise. Ciggs have rat poisen and causes cancer...tell me how many people have died from weed... and ill tell you your wrong..

answer is 0. Andddd...its only a gateway drug if you let it be, there are people who arent as easily influenced by other drugs.

Smoke pot.

it does a body good.


weed is smoked with baccy like steve says, and is reported to be up 20 times worse for you than a cig. and solid is full of all sorts of shit!!


as for it being a gateway drug, it definitely is. we started toking when we were about 11 or so, by the time we were in 6th form 95% of us had tried one or more harder drugs.


i know at least 2 people who's lives have been fucked by green. one hears voices in his head from 10 years of hard caning buckets and pipes, the other just is a social retard and can't interact with anyone properly.


also, you say noone has died directly from cannabis, but then how many people smoke it in comparison to ciggie smokers? and how many people SOLELY smoke green and not fags? and how can you tell if someone's lung cancer is from ciggies or from joint?


like steve says, yes alcoholism fucks you up, but that's besides the point, doesn't mean that cannabis or any other drug should be...

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Not wanting to really get involved at this point , but burning anything gives off carbons is that right?


so it will be carsonagenic ultimately yeah?


aye pretty much. smoking anything is gonna fuck you up. and smoking it with tobacco gives you nicotine. which is addictive. anyone see where i'm going...?!

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^^^^word. it really pisses me off when people say that smoking weed isnt bad for you.apart from the obvious physical health issue it can be exremely bad for your head. i smoked an obscene amount from 15-19 and it really really fucked me up.i still do other things now but smoking triggers something horrible in my brain. its hard to explain but basically if i took a few pills, snorted loads of charlie and did some acid id still be in a better state than if i smoked a spliff. im not being dramatic and its not like i just used to get a bit paranoid or something, its like uncontrollable shakes, panic attacks, nasty depression, horrible moodswings and paranoia. i was pretty much socially inept for a few years.

obviously thats just me and i know loads of people who'll smoke a few spliffs a day and its grand for them but when it can effect some people like it does me how can you say its not bad for you?

Edited by paddy
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i was pretty much socially inept for a few years.

Like you say, the effect is different on certain people, but some mates of mine are like that. It doesn't matter if it's Xmas Eve, New Year's Eve or whatever - it's the same daily routine of getting stoned as fuck and not leaving the house. Occassionally you might drag them out, but they'll sit there saying fuck all, then after an hour it'll be "this is shit, I'm going" and back they go to skin up. A couple of my mates realised in their mid-20s that weed was fucking them up and they knocked it on the head. Their lives changed for the better. I'm not saying everyone gets like this, but you gotta be careful you don't go overboard with any drug.

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carbon being released isnt a problem... we are made up of mostly carbon! the problem that lies with anything that you burn is that your never gonna get complete combustion of the thing that is burning. you burn pure carbon (practically everything combustable has carbon in it) in pure oxygen your either gonna get carbon dioxide (if its completely combusted) or carbon monoxide (when its incomplete combustion). as we all know carbon monoxide is poisonous. that is just one thing in cigs or weed that is doing damage to whoever does it.


carbon itself isnt a carcenagenic but loads of stuff that is relased when you burn a fag/joint is, like benzene (benzene is just carbon and hydrogen in a certain arrangement). sorry about all the nerd dtuff but its true!


basically its a miracle that the body works in the first place so fucking around with it by doing stuff you shouldnt is foolish to say the least! still it doesnt stop us does it!

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the problem is that its hard to realise that somethings fucking you up at the time unless its really blatant, especially when its something that lots of people can do and be perfectly fine. what you're saying about your mates there, they probably dont realise or admit to themselves that a lot of that is to do with smoking

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i think it has more to do with attitude and personality than smoking simply leading to harder drugs. i been on the fags for ages now but i have never had any incling to try anything harder. i did weed at uni, only cos my mates had it and there was a party going on. i never had a desire to go looking for weed. even when my mates invited me rond to shroom i didnt bother cos i never fancied it. one of my 4 close mates was really into his hard drugs (he did everything but brown) but none of us in our circle of friends wanted to go down that route even though it would have been dead easy to cos we all smoked and went into town together. i guess its cos we dont really have addictive personalities whereas my other mate did.


i could be wrong though... just my opinion

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Smoking cigs and weed is different though man. Cigs don't really do anything for you. For those that have no problem with weed and enjoy it I can understand why they smoke it, but cigs are pointless. In my circle of friends it started with weed, then after a while people did the odd bit of speed, then LSD, then ecstacy and so on. I got pissed off one day when most of them tried heroin. This is why I think one drug kinda leads to another, because there is no way that if any of them were taking no drugs at all, they'd suddenly think it was a good idea to smoke heroin - it built up to that over time.

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cigs are only a mild relaxant and after a while this affect gradually diminishes as you become tolerant to niccotine (hense you have to smoke more) weed has a much more noticable effect though.


i would say that smoking cigs will lead to smoking weed less than smoking weed leading to heavier drug use.

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Smoking cigs is one of the worst things you can do IMO. It's one of the easiest habits to take up, but one of the hardest to stop. It's one of my biggest regrets, cos I just don't have the willpower to pack it in. I don't take any other drugs these days, not even caffeine, but the demon cigs won't let me go. lol. I might have to give hypnosis or something a try.

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the best way to stop that i found is to wait till you have a massive case of the man flu (the general cold will do) and you really cant manage a cig cos you are so bunged up ot hurts. this will help you get past the first few days of going cold turkey.


another tip is to go ot and get blind drunk... were talking the brink of alcohol poisoning! smoke yourslef silly then in the morning te mere thought of having a cig will remind you of the previous night of horror! the smell will make you wanna puke and thus will hgelp you not have a fag!


i alsp found tha tthe first cig of the day is the worst. try to postpone your first cig of the day as long as is possible. i always used to have one as part of my routine just before leaving the house on a morning. then i said ill wait till i get to uni. when i got to uni i said ill just do this job first, then i said ill wait till ive had my lunch etc etc... its easier than it sounds!

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It's fuckin solid innit

Over the years I've said things like "when cigs get to £2.50 a pack I'm stopping" then a couple of years later it's "when they get to £3.50...." and so on. I also used to say I'd quit at a certain age, but then I keep extending that too. lol. I didn't even start until I was about 17. Mind you, my dad smoked 20-40 cigarettes a day for about 40 years and he managed to quit, so there's hope for me yet.

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I've never been addicted to a drug other than nicotine, but I have been addicted to gambling - only fruit machines, but I used to blow all my wages on a weekly basis.


Wow I would've never been able to immagine you playing slots (fruit machines, right? pull the lever, hope you score the jackpot type-o-deal?)


I would have also never thought you smoked. I bet DissCuss smokes a shitload, but I'd never have thought you smoke specifically.

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how is weed worse than ciggs?! i believe otherwise. Ciggs have rat poisen and causes cancer...tell me how many people have died from weed... and ill tell you your wrong..

answer is 0. Andddd...its only a gateway drug if you let it be, there are people who arent as easily influenced by other drugs.

Smoke pot.

it does a body good.


Its funny cuz someone asked this same question at a marijuana legalization festival here last year (small town thing, not a huge national one) and my friend was sitting next to me and he actually knew someone that crashed a car while driving high.


Personal experience- one of my closest friends went away to school (a different one than me) and started smoking quite a bit of pot, which has had only tried that previous summer. By second semester he was a daily smoker and a self proclaimed pothead. By the time I saw him the next summer, he was depressed as fuck. He claimed he didn't feel like himself around people and he didn't really know how to behave in larger crowds any more. He basically felt zombified... kinda like he lost his soul (and I don't mean this in Christian-moral way)

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I've never been addicted to a drug other than nicotine, but I have been addicted to gambling - only fruit machines, but I used to blow all my wages on a weekly basis.


Wow I would've never been able to immagine you playing slots (fruit machines, right? pull the lever, hope you score the jackpot type-o-deal?)


I would have also never thought you smoked. I bet DissCuss smokes a shitload, but I'd never have thought you smoke specifically.

Slots over here are a lot different to the ones I've played in casinos in the US. They're a lot more complicated to play than just pulling a lever, which makes them more fun too. Also, they're everywhere - in pubs, chip shops, kid's fun fairs, pool halls etc. and nobody really sees them as that bad until they get addicted. I'd go into one of the two arcades in town and it would always be the same old faces in there. Quite sad really. I still play them now and again, but these days I put in a few quid and stop.

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He basically felt zombified... kinda like he lost his soul (and I don't mean this in Christian-moral way)
Yeah, I know people like that. It's like they lost their spark or something.


i actually did pack in for 4 months , but the first time i found myself homeless i took it up again.. It's supposed to be more addictive than heroin like

I've quit for something like 6-8 months in the past. All it takes is that one cig and you're back on them again. When I stop I'm OK for a few days, then I start to get really agitated. I don't get all moody and bite people's heads off and shit, but I feel that fucking antsy I always end up cracking.

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as for it being a gateway drug, it definitely is.  we started toking when we were about 11 or so, by the time we were in 6th form 95% of us had tried one or more harder drugs.


HOLY SHIT! 11 YEARS OLD! My brother is fucking 11 and if he saw pot he'd surely run home and tell my Mom about it. I guess the drug education where I grew up is fairly effective cuz at 11 I had not the slightest idea where to get some weed nor what the hell I'd do with it once I got it (nor the desire to get it, but maybe that's just me cuz I've never smoked it at all.


When I used to work as a sound tech for a mobile DJ company, I do remember a handfull of 12/13 year old squirts comming up to me reaking of weed, sounding all stupid like "can i have a priiiiiiiiiiiiiiize?" so maybe shit is changing, but I was pretty shocked - still am really.

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fruit machiines are pretty bad though! im guilty of trhowing away quite a bit of cash but now im more of a lurker!

when im in the pub i find myself sat watching people putting loads of money in the bandit and i wait till i know its gonna pay big! friday was a killer though i didnt have any change with me so i was gonna get a pint a throw the change in. i literalyy would have been 2 minutes from getting some change and this guyy put £2 in and won £50. i was well gutted!

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fruit machiines are pretty bad though! im guilty of trhowing away quite a bit of cash but now im more of a lurker!

when im in the pub i find myself sat watching people putting loads of money in the bandit and i wait till i know its gonna pay big! friday was a killer though i didnt have any change with me so i was gonna get a pint a throw the change in. i literalyy would have been 2 minutes from getting some change and this guyy put £2 in and won £50. i was well gutted!

Thing about fruities is they'll always leave you with a chance of a win on your last go, so you have to put another quid in to see if it holds or whatever. Whoever programmed them is a clever/evil cunt. If you go to http://fruit-emu.com you can download emulators and play different ones on your PC.


Have you seen those roulette machines in the bookies? Now they're fucking nasty. You can put notes in and lose a wad on one spin. A guy in my local won £1,200 on one the other day, but I'm sure there's plenty of people who walk out of there broke after playing them.

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as for it being a gateway drug, it definitely is.  we started toking when we were about 11 or so, by the time we were in 6th form 95% of us had tried one or more harder drugs.


Utter bullshit. Don't blame weed for your own actions take some responsibility for yourself man.


I think milk is a gateway drug. You had that as a child right?


Any gateway theories about pot are only due to the criminal nature of it. By associating with people that supply pot you generally end up associating with people who will happily supply other drugs, probably encourage it.


People on here are acting like I'm some loony for saying these things. I don't WANT all drugs to be legal I want to take an honest approach to the fact that people will take drugs regardless of its legal status.

The situation at the minute is fucked. Prohibition CLEARLY isn't doing anything to stop people taking drugs so why not try a different approach. So far I still haven't had any better suggestions. I keep asking but, no. If anyone has a better solution I'm all ears.

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as for it being a gateway drug, it definitely is.  we started toking when we were about 11 or so, by the time we were in 6th form 95% of us had tried one or more harder drugs.


Utter bullshit. Don't blame weed for your own actions take some responsibility for yourself man.


I think milk is a gateway drug. You had that as a child right?


Any gateway theories about pot are only due to the criminal nature of it. By associating with people that supply pot you generally end up associating with people who will happily supply other drugs, probably encourage it.



i'm not saying i wasn't aware of what i was doing, i'm not saying weed 'made me do it' either. but it certainly reduced the negative stigma that was attached to harder drugs.


you don't suddenly go from being a complete non-drug head to suddenly thinking 'oooooh what shall i do this evening? go to the pub? hey wait, i know, i'm gonna score some smack. My my, what a great idea!' do you?


@ Xander, i guess i started young looking back, but then everyone does round my way it seems. i quit quite early tho, by the time i was 15 i stopped smoking, and by 16 had stopped everything else, been clean of everything bar a toke at a party every now and again for 3 years...

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