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You've got to be kidding me


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last time i said i liked hip hop not rap i got a bollocking for it...rap is the music and hip hop is the culture kind of crap. well im glad someone agrees there is a difference

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Guest Deeswift
i always thought they were the same.  and i really really hate the saying 'rap is somehing you do, hiphop is something you live'.


Yeah, that's so damn corny it makes me wanna chuck my quorn burger up.

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Guest Deeswift
why does posting an opinion that differs from the chin stroking consensus on here make me a troller?


I DO think it's a good track, it's far more experimental then most of the terrible 'leftfield' guff that comes out but because it wasn't excreted from madlibs mpc people hate.  Hip hop is about creativity and no boundries not endlessly being on new york circa 95s dick.


you onviosussly dontknow the difference between HIPHOP and rap.


Rap is shit, altho some of it may be likeable,you cant say its good, because in perspective its shit.


Just because something isnt neccesarily bad, doesnt mean its good.


For me, shit has to be exceptional to be good. I dont consider average good.







Ive been into hip hop for about 15 years and am willing to bet I know a great deal more about it then you ever will. I find it ironic that people that are so into the technicalities of DJing/turntablism are often the ones who know least about hip hop itself and talk clueless shit. The same people that rant about the same tired classics from over 10 years ago like TROY or weak offerings coming out of New York at the moment.


Sorry but you don't seem to know about anything.


Think about what you're saying saying, I bet you wank off about EPMD.. why don't you check the recent Erick Sermon interview where he basically admits that all the innovative stuff is coming out of the southern states.


There is much more to Southern Hip Hop then lazy media stereotypes about 'crunk' but you'll never know that because you're obsessed with conservative notions of 'real' hip hop vs rap.


For me Dizzee Rascals recent trip to Texas where he spits over some of the screwed stuff with local emcees is just as innovative and exciting as the Ghostface/Doom colab that you're no doubt creaming yourself with anticipation over.


Don't ever try and school me again.



That was a weak post. How the hell do you know what people like / listen to? Get over it man. People are so fucking amazingly childish and precious about their sacred hip hop. The Ying Yang Twats tune is utter shit, admit it. I don't give a fuck about hip hop anyway, I like the good bits but almost everything that comes out these days is WACK, it has been since about 1990. I still love the old shit, when it was fresh and original, but now it's just like some kind of youth club. The Ying Yang Twerps song is an embarrassment to what hip hop is all about, and it's shit like this that puts me off hip hop all together. Listen to the words man. Pathetic. As for the beat, it makes me want to smash someone's face in. DIRE.


"It's the money"...


EDIT: What I'm getting at is you're not gonna convince too many people that that's a good song. I ain't trying to tell you what you should be listening to, that's entirely your choice, but coming over here and attacking people who don't lke it, calling us "chin-strokers" and making out like we are some kind of clique is wrong. The tune is straight up horrible, IMO. And in probably 99.9% everyone elses opinion too. Insulting people ain't gonna change that.


Ive been into hip hop for about 15 years and am willing to bet I know a great deal more about it then you ever will.
That's so snobbish and childish.


Don't ever try and school me again.


That's even worse.

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Guest Deeswift

Alright Denio, there has been a few good releases, I admit. I like Del's shit, for starters. That guy has some decent skills.


Pharcyde made some good tracks, but only a couple in 95. Their best shit was in 92, no doubt about it. The first Cypress album was original. What else happened in 94 though? Snoop, G-Funk era (LOL), Cypress went shit when they stopped using dope samples and used stale drum machine beats instead, I dunno, the vibe was lost after 90 ish for me. I know one thing -- I hate commercial sell-out rap.

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Guest Deeswift
Don't speak in absolutes then mang.  If I were to say "Frank Zappa is shit" it's quite likely that you'd say "you're wrong".


I didn't speak in absolutes though, I said "almost everything". There are some exceptions, but I stick by what I said. If you were to say "FZ is shit", I'd say OK, that's your opinion, but I know you didn't hear everything he's done, as I haven't heard everything that has come out in hip hop. I have heard A LOT. I know probably more than you think about hip hop.


@ Denio ~ I didn't really like that Nas album. Just personal taste man.

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You kind of remind me of my mate. My mate has made some of the absolutely most amazing hiphop beats ever made. He got into making more experimental electronica type stuff and now he makes ill music in that genre. So now he hates hiphop, thinks it's shit, simple, anyone could do it etc. He still makes hiphop beats every now and then though, to try to sell to emcees, but the beats he makes are shit and no one wants to buy them.


So how much does he really know about it? If he had it so figured out and it really was so easy, presumably he could make boomin' tracks easily. Basically it's a simple, joyous form of music, if you're not prepared to get that joy out of it, then you really don't understand.


And you probably shouldn't be taliking about it. I mean, why talk so much about music you don't listen to? That's like me going off on rants about how country music is shit, to people who are into it.


They'd say "do you ever listen to country music?"

I'd say "No".

And they'd say "...umm..."


What's funny is that I fall between you and probably most other people here. I also think that 99.8% of hiphop made is terrible, but I genuinely think there is a tiny ammount of great music being made, I'm not just saying it as a disclaimer so noone can argue with me.

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i don't really *get* illmatic.it has some classic songs, but i tend to find the famously good nas songs are good because of the beats or the hook rather than his actual rhyme flow, his rapping does very little for me personally.


i'd say hiphop seems to be on the improve lately after a few years of mediocre stuff, still a bunch of pap coming out, but a few gems in between

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So how much does he really know about it?  If he had it so figured out and it really was so easy, presumably he could make boomin' tracks easily.  Basically it's a simple, joyous form of music, if you're not prepared to get that joy out of it, then you really don't understand.


And you probably shouldn't be taliking about it.  I mean, why talk so much about music you don't listen to?  That's like me going off on rants about how country music is shit, to people who are into it. 



on point

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To elaborate, if you DJ Hip Hop and play out regularly, you would know that a lot of these tunes ARE really good club tracks if nothing else, making people dance is fun, mixing songs creatively is fun, playing music that is maybe 'simplistic' or 'stupid' can be fun too. Also to make something, however outwardly simple, work in a club is an art and shouldn't be belittled by people who practise scratching in bedrooms (and no thats not a bad thing either) who think they know better.

Edited by homecounties
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To elaborate, if you DJ Hip Hop and play out regularly, you would know that a lot of these tunes ARE really good club tracks if nothing else, making people dance is fun, mixing songs creatively is fun, playing music that is maybe 'simplistic' or 'stupid' can be fun too.  Also to make something, however outwardly simple, work in a club is an art and shouldn't be belittled by people who practise scratching in bedrooms (and no thats not a bad thing either) who think they know better.


making people dance is fun, and mixing songs creatively is fun, playing (some) simplistic tunes is fun!


im not a hip hop or music guru for that matter.. but..


i think that to make something that works in the club is to make something that MTV will pimp out and drill into the heads of the masses that its "good". i think you can make something totally original but it will only work in the clubs if MTV markets it to the masses as the "next big thing"


a lot of people jump on the pop bandwagon, few awaken from the emptiness (i being one of them, i used to be a pop rnb follower when i was younger), but in saying that, i'll still stick to whatever moves me mentally, physically, and emotionally.


ps i like that dj format track with chali 2na and akil from J5 off his new album, thats fucken dope. thats the shit that makes me happy


thats my 2 pesos.

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