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Multi-room wireless music streaming - thoughts?

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I live in a flat n solved this cheaply.. I turn the volume up on my hifi and leave the room doors open. I did have to compromise on sonic fidelity while doing the washing up , but I guess ill have to try to live with the consequences of my actions.

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^^ im guessing its the same problem we have with wanting to do online qna , there isnt really a way of capturing, encoding and streaming without lag.

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Lag wouldn't be too much of an issue, even if it was >1000ms. I'm just playing music.


Anyway panic over lads. Mrs. dopp wants to swap bedroom 1 and bedroom 2 around so that she can have a dressing table. This means a big rethink on everything.

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  • 3 months later...

if you *can* connect it with a cable, connect it with a cable.


wireless is for situations where you *can't* use a cable.


otherwise you are just inviting unnecessary pain and suffering into your life.


even if you don't already have the tools and skills you need, you can buy the cables, tools, fuck up and do it all again for less than what a wireless system would cost.


you can even buy flat cables that fit inside doorways and under carpets.


considering that the cheapest possible wireless system is probably ((raspberrypi + wifi + usb soundcard) * rooms) + netjack streaming.. probably about 55 -60€ per node, think how much audio cable you could buy for that...

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Have you seen the diagram bruv?


I think wireless is the way to go (especially re. laptops), although I'd be interested to hear you expand on this Raspberry Pi thing.

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raspberry pi is just a little linux computer that cost about 30€ it has ethernet and hdmi video/audio out. you can connect it up to a usb keyboard and hdmi monitor, set everthing up so it runs on startup, then put in in a little plastic box and forget about it.


just about anything you can do on a regular linux computer you can do on a raspberry pi. but obviously you need to get your hands dirty. they have an active community of people who will help you get stuff working.


i'm sure people have already done streaming audio systems with it using jack audio /netjack


i'm skeptical about audio over wireless networks, especialy if your using the same network for watching movies. its going to end up about as skip free as youtube.


cabling a house isn't that difficult, depending on where the doors are, what kind of flooring you have if you want to drill holes in the wall, or if you have a ceiling that you can pass cables through.


yeah, you can definatly do it with wireless, but when your editing config files(for the cheap way), or handing over your credit card(for the easy way) you'll be wishing you'd just laid some cable and got out your soldering iron.


cables just fucking work, wireless dosen't.


you'll get all sorts of crazy problems with wireless, like having to find a channel your neibours arent using, finding out that your mircowave fucks it all up. etc etc.



i use wireless microphones all the time, some days they work great, others they just cause pain. soundchecks are no indicator of what will happen during the show, and sometimes 1k mics fail when 200€ mics keep working. over the years i just got used to it.

it's a become a natural reflex to memorise the radio blackspots on stage and avoid them.

every time i set up for a show, i'm looking for radio mics that can be replaced with cables.


maybe i'm overeracting for your "listneing to stuff in different rooms at home" question its not that much of a big deal if lionel ritche's greatest hits skips every so often.


all i know is that i avoid wireless like the plague.

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