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Vestax VFX-1

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saw this a couple of weeks ago and dismissed it as fanboy fake, but charles ono (vestax vp) has just confirmed it over at djtechtools' article. apparently it's a wip, but it already looks pretty cool. it's not clear whether this is going to work for the ns7 as it's the vci300 it's touted as being a companion to. in fact this brings up the question as to whether the itch software is specific to the hardware it controls, perhaps gizmo will confirm this- do you use a separate application for the ns7 and vci300 giz?



if itch does become a fairly modular system it would be great, especially if they licence third party addons for approval. i really really wanted a 300 but eventually started looking at the 100 because it seemed silly to get something like that that could only emulate a turntable/mixer setup when you could choose to go to a completely different level with traktor instead. however the platters and general ergonomics and design of the 300 are much nicer, maybe this is the start of something and i should continue to hold out?

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well basically it'll add two effects to itch. it's not a midi controller, it'll be proprietary, and when you plug it into itch you'll be able to use the effects (that will get added in on its release). you'll have to use this to use the effects. i doubt it'll even send midi for controlling third party stuff, can't see anyone wanting it for that use really as it's too specialised

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definitely interesting...things are probably going to have to go this way. The only thing which worries me is that each time audio is sent from the computer to a device and back again there will be an added latency.


I suppose one what to get round this would be instead of routing the audio to the device and back then when start itch it loads the program from the device then runs it on the computer and the device then just works as a controller for the plugin...however with that approach there potential to hack the code off the device and be able to run the effects without the device present.


Who know's how they're doing it but it's certainly interesting.

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yeah i assume it's definitely going to be a dongle rather than a link in the signal chain, although i have also realised it does clearly say 'fx midi controller' on it so maybe disregard what i just said about the proprietary nature in my earlier post... whether they're going to open itch up for midi input i'm not sure, they might be just allowing it to send midi out, and to be honest i think they might just be tripping over the nomenclature.

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