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just picked up a mpc 1000

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just picked one up from a friend of a friend for $250 + shipping. said it looks/works perfect and he even made a video demo showing all the pads are good.


so my question for those of you that have one is, being that this is my first mpc, should i learn how to use the akai os first or jump straight into the jj os? and if you recommend the jj os, which version are you using? my main concern is that the akai manual may be more comprehensive then the jj os manual (unless im wrong?)

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Ditch the original os!!! I'm still using jj os1 and I've not tried os2 yet although I might give it a go soon. The work flow and menus of the akai os and jj os are much the same, if you learn the akai one you will have no problem switching to jj os but there are a couple of changes which take some getting used to. Using the akai os is like trying to make beats with both hands tied behind you back compared to jj os, basically it's what the akai os should've been but akai (now numark) don't really seem to give a fuck about the customers and and just gave a half arsed effort, to be honest I think they're quite happy that jj os finished the job for them whether they'll admit it or not.


I recommend Jon give it a try to, I know what it's like when you have something new and expensive and you don't want to taint it with unsupported, third party addons and I was the same with mine for a couple of months however as tried it I wanted to kick myself in the face (sadly I'm not flexible enough) for being such and idiot...honestly it takes about 30seconds of playing to realise how much superior it is.

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definitely go jj. even the free version is an improvement on the akai os, it's basically the same with just a couple extra features. the paid for version kicks so much arse it's unbelievable- afaik especially on the 1000 because it unlocks quite a lot of stuff built into the 2500 that they crippled on the 1000 to create a larger point of difference. (i could be outdated on this statement though, maybe akai added the features in themselves in a new update)

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Congrads man! I hate you for getting such a good price!


Go with the jj os for sure. There is a free version that fixes a lot of bugs. The first pay version basically turns it into a custom 2500 OS and the second pay one turns it into a custom 4000 OS. I have the first pay version and put it on almost right away b/c I didn't like the 1000 OS coming from a 2000XL... and I am so happy I did.


Did you get the blue or black one? FYI-the early blues are the ones with pad issues, so you may have to replace them down the road... but not all are bad... wiki has a way to check ur serial number if u have a blue to see how likely it is you will eventually have your pads go out.

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i just use the free JJOS and it's still miles better than the akai one.


fuck them. also if you have the model where the back panel is silver instead of black then paint it or something otherwise it will rust because of moisture in the fucking air. fuck numark.

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Reasons to invest in JJ OS:


* Stereo beat slicing

* Vertical waveform zooming (the now logarithmic view is fucking retarded)

* Global pad edit (Mode + pad 11) allows you to edit all pad params at once

* Midi editor - akai os gives you a drum grid, jj give you drum grid and piano roll + cc editor

* Audio tracks - some people winge about direct record missing but for me these are 100 times better

* + more stuff


To get JJ OS2 you must have brought and installed JJ OS1 first and you get the option to choose which one to boot up when you turn the mpc on, the main feature this introduces is non-destructive chop, I've not got this yet because I'm not using my mpc alot at the minute but when I get back to it I'll be getting it for sure!

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