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setup wiring question

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At the mo Ive got my mixer to the side of the turntables like Crazy B or Premier instead of the usual in the middle, just to try out. Thing is I wanna get my second mixer and put it on the other side of the turntables as well, cos I cut on both sides of the mixer. I'm probably gonna need some kind of session box that the mixers plug into so they both connect to the TTs, is that right? and what would be a good one to get?

BTW mixers would be an SK2F and an XS4



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so you wil have 2 mixers for 2 turntables?????

cant you just put it back in the middle or get used to playing it as it is

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I'll prob end up just using the one mixer. I'm just trying it out in that style w/ the mixer on the side to see if there's any new stuff I can come up with, but I was just thinking if I wanted to swap hands it might save on the hassle of moving the mixer and turntables about. Anyways I'll stick with it for a while, see what happens...

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Mixer to one side is very very gay, premo can just about be excused, no-one else.


I once had to DJ a party with some total wally who wanted the mixer on one side, we then had to have another argument as to why we should use my 56 as opposed to his beat up 05, then when I plugged Serato in he got all pissy because he couldn't plug his ipod into one of the line ins! What a tool.

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my mixer got outed out by a synergy one because no1 could use reverse hamster for mixing...isnt the most technical of things

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There's a number of different ways to perform this; the main problem with almost all of them is that you'll probabbly end up using two completely different phono-stage preamps, unless you have two of the same mixer. It all depends how much you care about this: for straight mixing/cutting it's gonna make fuck-all difference, but as soon as you get juggling... ell, have you ever juggled using two different types of needles? It can sound a bit disjointed. OK, it's not exactly a catastrophe, just not ideal.


I personally think the best compramise you could achieve is to wire everything up as normal, then run your second mixer through the effects loop. That way, you can cut any time using the secon mixer, but your fist will be wired in as per usual. That way, you lose nothing but gain the abiliy to use your second mixer for scratching, etc.

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a few years back stanton made a session box called ISM-3.  i think it had like 4 inputs on it.  i have no clue where you can find one.  dont think it was that popular.  but you can always go buy a shit mixer to use as a session box.


I got one a few yrs ago from turntablelab.com....was handy. ddon't use it as much now tho...

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