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Sony patents 'real life Matrix'


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this doesn't sound very safe-


A. you could make programs that have effects on the brain similar to drugs or even stronger


B. Sounds like it could cause cancer with magnetic fields and all that shit fucking with your brain cells

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this cant be viable within the near future


we still dont know what the vast majority of our dna does


even simple crap like standing by a microwave oven probably fucks with our brains and dumb things like that (heard rumors of cell phones lowering sperm count? lol) you wont know for sure the long term reprocussions


i hope people realize theres a need to draw the line somewhere

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this doesn't sound very safe-


A. you could make programs that have effects on the brain similar to drugs or even stronger


B. Sounds like it could cause cancer with magnetic fields and all that shit fucking with your brain cells



I totally agree, they are finding out that the cell phone shit could be for real, im using a headset nowdays and not the bluetooth variety, ppl are always in a rush to launch shit, without finding out if its dangerous to consumer health.



that said im hoping larry flynt gets involved with sony and release something like the virtua gurl that will enable me to download new "skins" of shannon elizbeth, mariah carey, do me moore, etc.

you get to set the setting and shit with algorithms, id set the scene for the paris hilton flick, kick down the motel door and gag and tie the bf leaving him in the closet whilst I begin paris hilton 2 or summat, or maybe even recreate "runnaway retreat vacation on the boat, i shoot tommy lee in the foot and then start shagging pam on the boat starboard styli.


ps. i got a gorgeous gf who im proud of, but something like this doesnt stop me from thinking about the possibilities.


what an amazing link, how long do ppl think it'll be before i....cough.....ppl get sexual sollace from consoles?

Edited by Nelson
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Whats that film with Liam Neeson in where they're selling the virtual reality headsets, exactly like this sony rubbish???? been trying to remember all morning and it's driving me up the fucking wall now....

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this doesn't sound very safe-


B. Sounds like it could cause cancer with magnetic fields and all that shit fucking with your brain cells


not true, they are talking about ultrasound which is completely non-invasive, i.e. it doesn't affect human cells in the slightest.


and even magnetic fields wouldn't cause cancer, you're forgetting that the earth is a huge magnet with fields. concentrated magnetic fields on the body just make hydrogen nuclei in the water in your body spin like a spinning top, called precession.


that's why mri and ultrasound are often preferred in hospitals over xrays (especially for womb scans of pregnant women) if at all possible, no harm done to the body.

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Anyway there was a time when people thought that your bones would collapse if you went more than 30mph on a steam train.




i look forward to this technology


like TIV's on red dwarf.

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Better than life..lol... i love the dwarf!


what was the film with Liam Neeson in, and he was a dealer in these things, exactly like the sony stuff described up above????


Someone please put me out my misery on this one, I won't be able to sleep otherwise...i think it was based on a book by William Gibson called NeuroDancer maybe??



help me......

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"Cheat 3. Chastity cheat."


Haha, damn right.


not true, they are talking about ultrasound which is completely non-invasive, i.e. it doesn't affect human cells in the slightest.


and even magnetic fields wouldn't cause cancer, you're forgetting that the earth is a huge magnet with fields. concentrated magnetic fields on the body just make hydrogen nuclei in the water in your body spin like a spinning top, called precession.

Its interesting, but apparently during early missions to space, astronauts would get a kind of sickness that could be resolved by simulating normal earthly electromagnetic frequencies somewhere around the key of C :d I really can't remember how i know that so it might be a load of toss. I'll have a search in a bit.


But anyway, messing with the way our brains work is bound to cause at least a few problems, if only at least a huge shift in the way we percieve reality. I'm sure the military will have this technology well before it hits the shelves.


Is this similar to the link I posted a while back? Sony Patents Brain Wave


Exactly the same thing it seems.


It worries me though. Sony have bought a patent for this? Does that mean they're wrestling for the monopoly to mess with our minds and profit hugely from it? Already? We knew it was coming though.

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this doesn't sound very safe-


B. Sounds like it could cause cancer with magnetic fields and all that shit fucking with your brain cells


not true, they are talking about ultrasound which is completely non-invasive, i.e. it doesn't affect human cells in the slightest.


and even magnetic fields wouldn't cause cancer, you're forgetting that the earth is a huge magnet with fields. concentrated magnetic fields on the body just make hydrogen nuclei in the water in your body spin like a spinning top, called precession.


that's why mri and ultrasound are often preferred in hospitals over xrays (especially for womb scans of pregnant women) if at all possible, no harm done to the body.


Wooooaaaaahhh there, I wouldn't go saying those things if I were you. MRI is currently thought to be perfectly safe, yes, but how can we say? It hasn't been in use for as long as you might think, a few decades. How can we be sure it doesn't cause long term effects -perhaps in minority groups? It is a massively expensive technique, so the number of times the average individual will undergo the examination in a lifetime is very small. It will be a long time until we know for sure.


As for ultrasound: quantised lattice vibrations through a medium are known as PHONONS and can indeed carry large amounts of energy, scatter electrons, cause all kinds of defects and dislocations in many types of structure. No doubt the utmost care will be applied when researching into such technology, and I recognise that ultrasound has been a valid non-invasive examination technique for a very long time (just about every pregnant woman will undergo many such examinations). But at present, very few individuals will undergo such stimulation for as extended a period as, say, a film, let alone several times a week (as we do when watching TV, playing games etc.)


I've always been sceptical with regards to claims about mobile phone radiation and so forth, but you can never rule such possibilities out.


(Also, MRI doesn't really make H nuclei spin; it ALIGNS them. The precession around the orientation axis is, as is my understanding, a consiquence of conservation of angular momentum.)

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Guest flowerpot2.0

just to let u guys know,sony has patents for millions of far out concepts,thats wot they do,own it before it becomes tangible

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Someone please put me out my misery on this one, I won't be able to sleep otherwise...i think it was based on a book by William Gibson called NeuroDancer maybe??
I think the book was called Neuromancer. Thats the only Gibson book i ever read and as far as i know the whole internet matrix theme is in all of them.


just to let u guys know,sony has patents for millions of far out concepts,thats wot they do,own it before it becomes tangible


Maybe their sales are dropping and someone in the office that day was high. Perhaps they just want some attention cos Xboxes are everywhere these days.


Surely everyone here knows that this will most probably be an eventuallity which is not far off. I wouldn't mind being alive to see it too.


As long as everyone doesn't just live in boxes and virtual-wander the "streets".


Man, it was Gibson who was on about shit like that where you could hook your mind up to the internet. Then you could have people hack into your mind.

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Guest flowerpot2.0

im serious,sony has patents on a whole bunch of shit thats next gen i was reeding in some article,stoner cant remeber but shit is freek to the ky

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this doesn't sound very safe-


B. Sounds like it could cause cancer with magnetic fields and all that shit fucking with your brain cells


not true, they are talking about ultrasound which is completely non-invasive, i.e. it doesn't affect human cells in the slightest.


and even magnetic fields wouldn't cause cancer, you're forgetting that the earth is a huge magnet with fields. concentrated magnetic fields on the body just make hydrogen nuclei in the water in your body spin like a spinning top, called precession.


that's why mri and ultrasound are often preferred in hospitals over xrays (especially for womb scans of pregnant women) if at all possible, no harm done to the body.


Wooooaaaaahhh there, I wouldn't go saying those things if I were you. MRI is currently thought to be perfectly safe, yes, but how can we say? It hasn't been in use for as long as you might think, a few decades. How can we be sure it doesn't cause long term effects -perhaps in minority groups? It is a massively expensive technique, so the number of times the average individual will undergo the examination in a lifetime is very small. It will be a long time until we know for sure.


As for ultrasound: quantised lattice vibrations through a medium are known as PHONONS and can indeed carry large amounts of energy, scatter electrons, cause all kinds of defects and dislocations in many types of structure. No doubt the utmost care will be applied when researching into such technology, and I recognise that ultrasound has been a valid non-invasive examination technique for a very long time (just about every pregnant woman will undergo many such examinations). But at present, very few individuals will undergo such stimulation for as extended a period as, say, a film, let alone several times a week (as we do when watching TV, playing games etc.)


I've always been sceptical with regards to claims about mobile phone radiation and so forth, but you can never rule such possibilities out.


(Also, MRI doesn't really make H nuclei spin; it ALIGNS them. The precession around the orientation axis is, as is my understanding, a consiquence of conservation of angular momentum.)


fair play, the technology hasn't been used for a substantial amont of time, i'm just going on what my physics tutor taught me in health physics last yeah. and point taken about ultrasound causing defects and dislodging parts of structures, don't they use it for cleaning old relics and statues and stuff? but there seems to be no side effects from using it thus far, and for the amount of times it has been used, you would have thought there would be one of two reports of abnormalities occurring.


as for mri not being dangerous, i still don't quite see how intense magnetic fields could really create any problems. people have been working with hugely powerful magnets in universities and laboratories (saw one in cambridge a while back) for 25+ years and have no problems. it's not an ionizing radiation like xrays.

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But we're talking about concentrated ultrasound that is intended to directly alter brain signals. Who knows what thats gonna do when they test it. Shall we all enroll as test subjects for sony? I bet it pays well.


I don't want to get older and be one of those "anti-innovation because it seems new and dangerous" idiots. It'd be like wanting to keep cannabis illegal. My future kids would think i'm a burnt out hippy. If i actually have kids that is, after all the times i carry my mobile phone in my pocket facing down ;)


Hhahaha Huwbeanie you just reminded me of this awesome news report I saw in april 2003.


Staying at my Dad's in holland, up all night, 6 in the morning. On comes the news (BBC). A few reports about death this, and plague that. Then the presenter says "experts just might have proved that ghosts do not exist."


I sat up and had a large swig of my coffee. "How they gonna pull this one off?" I said to myself laughing.


Basically around 1000 test subjects at Edinburgh castle which is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in England. They are individually put into separate rooms. Some of the rooms are reputedly haunted and some aren't, however the test subjects are not told of this. They then sit for quite a while and either see crazy shit, or they don't, while the room is under strict surveillance from normal cameras, air density detectors, temperature sensors and finally some kind of machine to read electromagnetic signals.


The guy who was doing this experiment then started talking about how, in which all of the rooms that were renound for being haunted, not a single test subject did not experience weird sensations, hallucinations, feelings of being targetted or being watched, strange noises and voices, or at least one of the above.


However, everyone in the "non-haunted" rooms generally felt nothing unusual was going on.


He then went on saying how in all of the haunted rooms, there were extreme fluctuations in temperature and air pressure which probably creeped the volunteers out and made them think something was going on which wasn't. And also "we measured some very bizarre electromagnetic fluctuations which proves that ghosts don't exist."


:(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :((


OMFG I couldn't stop laughing. Its like a policeman arriving at the scene of the crime and saying "it was obviously the knife that did this. Case closed."


It was only the very bizarre electromagnetic fluctuations that caused subjects to experience these negative "happenings". Of course.


I wish someone would fund me to do some kind of bullshit experiment. "The obelisk wasn't lifted by god. We've just proved he doesn't exist because some kind of freak resonance field lifted it from out of the ground beneath us and carried it 10 metres that way."


Haha. I hope Chris Morris saw that news report too.

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