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my dj gig rant


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My up lights got repeatedly kicked by dancing dick heads. Someone spilt a drink down my home made Dj facade and some dumb bitch nearly took down 2 speakers worth £1600. I wasn't dj'ing tonight, I was baby sitting adults. I couldn't focus on doing my job because of people using my Subs as tables for drinks. CUUUUNNNNNTTTTTSSS

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Insurance + security + a contract from the venue is the key when you're using your own gear. The last gig I ever played, I packed my shit up and left cos people kept fucking with my DJ gear, but on that occasion it was because it was in a venue filled with several hundred people but there was no security at all.

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The gigs I have booked until the new yeaar are at multipurpose venues and have no equipment in them until I set up, except for a pub on boxing day. There I just have to worry about traktor being a pain in the ass again! Traktor let me down a couple of times.

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Steve - I'm surprised you say that. I've played tons of gigs in bars, night-clubs, weddings etc. I always refuse to bring anything more than maybe my mixer (prefer not to) and needles (prefer not to). So usually I just say: This is a good spot to hire a setup - take it. And my standard mixer for playing out is a pioneer. I'm never going to be doing any cutting in a club-setting anyways. People don't get it. So why do it.

I've had beer poured out over my records, needles broken mid-set, mixer fall on the ground, people start a fight infront of your gear pushing eachother onto the dj-table. Forget it, never in my whole life, will I put my gear at that kind of risk. People usually turn to cunts when they drink, and I'm not going to be paying the bill for that. Even if it's just insurance excess. Forget it.

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I only ever played out on vinyl, so I always took a couple of crates of records with me. I would use my own mixer whenever I was allowed to, because I hated DJing on some of the biffy mixers that clubs/bars have, particularly those ones that have a cross fader knob designed to be controlled with your thumb, lol. I wanted people to hear me at my best and that meant using my own mixer. I would always take my own headshells/carts too, but a lot of the time I figured that if I was taking all of this shit, I might as well just take everything.

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from what Eric told me today it sounds like a your always gonna get this kinda greif when you're dealing with extremely pissed wedding guests. I particualy liked to story of the wedding guest that asked him to help him find his shoes :((

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It wasn't even a wedding guest dude, it was a Christmas party. They were trainers too. What kind of a mug loses his trainers at a Christmas party? I went the whole day today and when I got.home, my trainers were still on my feet.

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Playing a venue with several hundred people - and you stil have to bring your own gear? Weird. I refuse to bring any of my stuff for explicitly this reason.



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"I think you're a bit of a nob"


they didnt even commit to the insult. if you're gonna call someone a nob, make it a full blown 100% nob... not a bit of a nob. I know its a recession and all but you can't be tight with the nob heckles.

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Guest petesasqwax

agreed - plus, why the "i think" shite? fuck all this prefacing the statement pissing around bullshit. "you're a nob" would've done the trick better, but in all honesty, anything more than just "NOB" is watering shit down

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Ahh, the British audience is so well mannered...

I've been told to hang myself after a messed up transition before the audience would do it. Others have asked me when I'd finally play some real music (Hypnotic Brass Ensemble was playing at that time) - then the guy tapped on the (luckily other) record and explained to me that drilling little holes into a vinyl would result in the same sound. Turns out he wanted to hear some folk festival oompah music.

Another time I was confronted with the same question. This time it was asked by a woman in camouflage pants who looked like she could beat the shit out of me while compounding cement with her bare hands.

Also we got pawned once by a self-appointed Lil Wayne missionary ("What? You don't have the new single yet? Street date's been 17th October!"') who started unplugging our laptop to connect his I-Phone with Lord knows which cable... After telling him that we don't have it and therefore can't play it he just grinned and informed us that calling yourself a DJ without having a running internet connection is a pretty dumb idea.


I miss that place...

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Guest petesasqwax

one time we were doing a gig before the Russian Percussion tour and this guy on the stage fell off the back of it and kicked out the power to the whole stage. the place went silent and all the lights went out















no, wait - that was me...

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Guest petesasqwax

hehe - no, i plugged it back it and exited out the back, laughing my arse off & leaving everyone else to sort it out.

i was young. i smoke and drank a lot and then operated expensive equipment. it's a wonder it didn't end worse than it did

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Last night went surprisingly well and got good feedback. It took me a while to get into the mic stuff again and finding out what the employer wanted but it was busy all night.


Tonight was a different story. The venue was near capacity but with old and young. Each moaning about the music. Rude horrible pissheads who are all experts in crowds and music felt uninhibited to tell me what is guaranteed to work next. Demands to play songs immediately and one woman Repeateadly telling me I'm shit.


Old people claiming their friends have left appalled at the music yet leaving me with no dance floor when I attempt to please them.


Requests for Abba and prodigy next to each other. Sync is out of its depth.

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God what a depressing read, when 2013 is over it'll be the first year since 97 that I haven't gigged out, which means I'm officially a bedroom dj. A few years back I would of been quite gutted at that notion, but being part of a small community with SSS and loving turntablism more than ever I'm pretty much as content as I was back when I had a healthy dj career. Hateful gigs always goes back to the same thing for me, 95% of pissed folk are utter cunts, where as mostly drug fuelled raves and house party's or even the very sober car shows me and rock well used to do were all nothing but fucking awesome times and fond hazy memory's.


Eric's experiences sums up every reason why I had my full of high street/wedding jobs, money is good but you can only suffer that shit for limited time, my advice, become a dj pimp and start up an agency, get other poor cunts to do the horrible bit, while you just supply and set up equipment.

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Guest petesasqwax

probably the most fun I've ever had in a solo DJ set was when I was asked to fill in for Daedelus at the last minute. Spent half an hour grabbing exactly what I wanted to hear and loaded up a DJ box full. All I knew is that I was going to start with Olde Scottish "Wildstyle (The Krush Handshake)" and once I put that on I just went through whatever I felt like hearing next out of what I had in the crate. Didn't feel obliged or expected to play anything in particular so I didn't. Drop loads of obscure heavy Japanese beat-heavy stuff (Kemuri Productions etc.) and had people massively into, irrespective of the fact that they had no clue what it was even when I showed them the sleeve. I'm 35 now, been DJing on and off since I was 19. That was the one gig I can remember that was remotely like that. Fucking great, it was, but slightly depressing too, in terms of the rarity of it. The closest I've got to that was a Warp Films party, but everyone there was way too busy doing other things to give a fuck about the music so I kind of got to play whatever I felt like by default.

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