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a problem? (scratching on my own)


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whats so important about releasing stuff anyway?

Why do you put mixes out? Why not keep them just for yourself?


I don't see the point in getting good at something and then never doing anything with it. It's a waste. Other people could be enjoying what you've created, or could create, which is good for you too - as you know from the mixes you've put out.


but personally i only want to put something out if i feel its doing something different.

Maybe you'll never make anything that's "different", but that doesn't mean you couldn't make something good.


Perhaps you're an OCD perfectionist who feels that his stuff is never good enough. ;)

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1. Why do you put mixes out? Why not keep them just for yourself?


2. I don't see the point in getting good at something and then never doing anything with it. It's a waste. Other people could be enjoying what you've created


3. Maybe you'll never make anything that's "different", but that doesn't mean you couldn't make something good.


4. Perhaps you're an OCD perfectionist who feels that his stuff is never good enough. ;)


1. well i make them for myself and the main reason i put them out im not gonna go into, but one of them is so people actually know im doing something with my time and im not just a sad act in my headphones.


2. & 3. im too selfish to care im afraid. also you're mainly talking about a scratch file here, not an amazing back catalog or anything, its not like anything is gona change by me putting one out.


4. definitely. im proud of myself enough for letting the mixes out and thats only cos im lucky enough to get amazing comments back

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Miyajima taught me that, "non-skratching is just as important as skratching." He sometimes doesn't skratch for 2 whole months and he considers that part of his practice. You need to divorce yourself from skratching for a while for two reasons: (1) to get out of bad habits (like repeating the same technique, phrase or pattern); and (2) to rediscover your love for skratching. So it's not a bad thing to not skratch for a bit.


But you might fail to do (2), maybe because you've found a different love (or that skratching was never your main love anyway) and do a 2Tall. That's fine, provided that what you've turned to is worthwhile for you. Keeping yourself happy is most important.


Just remember that skratching is just a hobby anyway (well, more like addiction for me!) so you needn't feel guilty for not doing as much as you think you should. Besides, that you think you should already is an indication of how important skratching is to you, so much so that you feel guilty!

Edited by Yoshi
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In regards to your initial question. If you don't see it as a problem scratching on your own then I don't think it's a problem. But since you started this thread with a question like that then maybe that means that you do see it as a problem yourself in some way (sorry to sound like a shrink lol)? I think it's absolutely fine to use scratching only as a means to express yourself, but If you're not enjoying it, then there's no point in doing it. If you're bored of cutting at the moment then take a break and focus on mixing and production. Just do what you enjoy doing mate.


You mentioned that you're not really interested in learning any new techniques, but perhaps that could be just the thing you need to start enjoying scratching again? What I mean is that if you learn more techniques, or even just try a different style than you're used to, then it'll make it easier to express yourself. Sometimes I want to express something, or get a certain feeling across in my cuts, but I find that the limited techniques I know hold me back so I try to find a way to achieve the sound and feeling I want through learning new and different techniques.


I have to agree with Steve here. It seems a waste to practice something for that long if you're never going to use it or show it off. It's nice to show people what you've been fiddling with. I love hearing you guys at the Super Scratch Sundays, and I've learned a lot from Doob and yourself which is great. And just because you're not at Chiles level doesn't mean you can't add anything to the world of scratching. Everyone has a different style and it's not only about technique and speed but also about musicality. You've obviously got rhythm mate, otherwise you wouldn't be able to mix like you do, and that's the most important thing IMHO. Just relax on your OCD, nobody is perfect and nobody here is going to judge you. Personally I'd love to hear some cuts on your mixes, and I think it could take them to a new level and add more of your own personality.


Just my 2 cents anyways. I'll stop rambling now! :)

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when did things 'click' for you tom?


Do you mean production wise or decision wise. I've always wanted to make music as soon as I discovered it was a possibility that I could do so with old skool trackers and then the discovery of Rebirth however but never really put any real focus into it, I guess the decision to really get into it came about 5years ago and that's when I started to concentrate on it, however by that time I had gathers a big wealth of knowledge from years of messing about and reading up on everything.


In terms of becoming a capable producer I don't really feel that's happened, I have good moments where I make something I'm really proud of, then I learn more and decided I hate what I previously created, right now I'm in a pretty dark place with it all, I've literally spent the last 2 months sitting in front of the computer studying sounds, and trying to get over my current hurdle and pretty much hated every moment of it, just the thought of opening up Cubase or Ableton makes me feel shit but I do it anyway because I know I will one day get through it, I just hope its sooner rather than later.


It's not easy, I sit here thinking if I just had some one really good to work with or if I just had that piece of equipment or that plugin I would be good but it's all bollocks, the simple fact is that I'm completely missing the fun out of it at the moment and that's plain wrong and I need to find it again and I will but there's a mental block right now.


I guess I'm making it hard for myself but that's the challenge I've set myself, I really hope I can achieve it but I've spent a lot of time self doubting recently. I wouldn't recommend this path to anyone unless the really knew this is what you want to do, other wise just enjoy it...I look forward to that moment again!

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^^That's how I always feel, but I just do it to enjoy it now... not like I'm ever gonna be famous, or really even more than average cutting but it's the best I've ever been at an "instrument" so I like doing it as a form of expression.




i've been feeling like this for a while, and im getting abit worried about it, so a problem shared is a problem halved.


basically i still love cutting, thats not gonna go away, but more recently im happiest when scratching on my own, and its only for maybe 20mins here or there.

other times i'll go home and cut for about an hour or so, but thats getting rare.


the thing is i use it to express myself i think, but as of late i dont feel like its fulfilling that need as much as it used to, which is why im spending more time on mixes. altho now im planning on just full on getting into production to get things off my chest.


i dont think i'll ever 'give up' or quit, but i find myself focusing more on a production idea or something i think would work in a mix.


the reason im worried about it is cos the people i see most (read doob etc) are cutting more and more with others and the paltalk thread is booming, not to mention everyone talking about SSS, which quite frankly im having a hard time getting excited about.


maybe its down to me enjoying my own cuts and im not overly fussed about learning new techniques, im happier just styling the ones i already have, or maybe applying them into tracks or something.


i dont kno what im trying to get across here. so jump in with ur comments and opinions.

maybe im moving on abit


In late on the convo... but I haven't scratched for a year. Then last week or two I started to again. A number of scratches I always had problems with were starting to click and it was also fun again. Just take a break. I wouldn't sell ur gear, but don't force it either.

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The video posting thing is a funny one as well. I also "lock up" when I record myself, I call it performance anxiety :)


What I have found helps a lot is setting the record and then just dicking about for a bit, dont worry about doing a routine, and then at some point you just get into your flow, bust out 2 minutes of nice cuts, hit stop, edit out the crap bit and there is your video.


I am in a slightly different position from a lot of people on here, because Im not posting "look how cool my scratching is" videos. Im posting "I know im shit, help me get better" videos.


The really nice thing is that I am now starting to get comments on how much I have improved from first to last video, (from several people who I havent slept with :d) and this has really spurred me on to continue to practice and evolve my scratching.


Fow what its worth, I really like your scratching, Im not sure how "good" you actually are, but I dont really care, your cuts are really different from a lot of other peoples and that counts for a lot, and they are nice to listen to!


As I said before, as long as you are being musically creative, I dont think you should be concerned about if its mixing, scratching, producing or a combination.


And wether SSS carrys on with or without you its given me the opportunity to meet some good people and learn a lot about scratching (and felching, thx Dopp) so for that I give you thanks :d


Love, eMotek .:p

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