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% Pitch Change from 33 to 45

Guest Vekked

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yo, didn't someone do up a chart explaining what % changes you have to do to hit certain notes and such with the turntable? I know there's something on crowd control, but there was one on asis a while back I thought was better...



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Why go to all the bother to make a wonky off key change when you can sell your turntables buy a real instrument and get takin more seriously.


Str8 h8ing on Scratching in the 06

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Do the math, it's not that hard


There's not an exact step for each semi-tone, if you think about it as you got up each octave it's doubling the frequency (low A 220hz, concert tuning A 440hz, next A up 880hz). This means frequencies rise exponentially therefor going down a semi-tone from 0% is going to mean moving the pitch less than going up a semi-tone from 0%...


-50% : -1 octave

-47.0%: -11 semi-tones

-43.9%: -10 semi-tones

-40.6%: -9 semi-tones

-37.0%: -8 semi-tones

-35.3%: -7 semi-tones

-29.3%: -6 semi-tones

-25.0%: -5 semi-tones

-20.6%: -4 semi-tones

-15.9%: -3 semi-tones

-10.9%: -2 semi-tones

-5.6%: -1 semi-tone




+5.9% : +1 semi-tone

+12.2%: +2 semi-tones

+18.9%: +3 semi-tones

+26.0%: +4 semi-tones

+33.5%: +5 semi-tones

+41.4%: +6 semi-tones

+49.8%: +7 semi-tones

+59.3%: +8 semi-tones

+68.2%: +9 semi-tones

+78.2%: +10 semi-tones

+88.8%: +11 semi-tones

+100% : +1 octave

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Why go to all the bother to make a wonky off key change when you can sell your turntables buy a real instrument and get takin more seriously.


Str8 h8ing on Scratching in the 06


Guitar's are played out, who's Jimi Hendrix anyways? sounds like a queer...

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p.s. thanks x2k and @ liam, ya I just want to verify, cuz someone told me it was 26% one time, and I checked it last night and found 35%, but I just wanted to make sure my math was on, cuz I mostly specialize in the +/- buttons on the calc, never really learned what the other do, they're just the same thing basically tho right?



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p.s. thanks x2k and @ liam, ya I just want to verify, cuz someone told me it was 26% one time, and I checked it last night and found 35%, but I just wanted to make sure my math was on, cuz I mostly specialize in the +/- buttons on the calc, never really learned what the other do, they're just the same thing basically tho right?




You're both right...


45rpm is 35% faster than 33rpm




33rpm is 26% slower that 45rpm




EDIT: forgot the third :$

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p.s. thanks x2k and @ liam, ya I just want to verify, cuz someone told me it was 26% one time, and I checked it last night and found 35%, but I just wanted to make sure my math was on, cuz I mostly specialize in the +/- buttons on the calc, never really learned what the other do, they're just the same thing basically tho right?




You're both right (well near enough)...


45rpm is 36.36% faster than 33rpm




33rpm is 26.7% slower that 45rpm




werd, that's what I found out last night, thanks mang!

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Aye he is kinda queer


so you're not ricci after all...





p.s. ricci loves hendrix... or maybe he just loves making connections between himself and hendrix... hmm...


Come to think of it. They're more less indentical in every way


ricci might have a bit more soul tho, you hear scetchbook?

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