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Everything posted by indigno80

  1. Does anyone successfully testing it with sl1 card?
  2. I see the top of the controller is great ... if they sell individually that part it would be great.
  3. I don't know what i've touched, but now proxfade it works, with a little distorsion in to the sound.. Thanks a lot!
  4. I don't get the 9v on the middle the fader, 4.5v like max..
  5. fader = 4.52v + 4.52v, power in = 9.08v, audio in = 4.15v + 4.19v, aux in = 3.20v + 3.20v. audio out 0v. Mini innofader cutting well, sharp cutting well, Pro x fade no way to get cut..
  6. I have mounted a nanofader v1.2, the sound and aux in it's ok. But it's to dificult get some cut...I followed your instalation guide strictly. What have I done wrong? http://imgur.com/CkWEK64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6oHvMBE06U&feature=youtu.be
  7. I don't find 50nf capacitators, 47nf would be right alternative to replace it? Thank you for everything dude!
  8. I'm choosing the components for the nanofader v 1.2 and I don't know what voltage choose for the capacitators.
  9. I soldered like the diagram without problems.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyF8z_DqM0o
  10. I've seen this Gemini hybrid turntable cdt on a cash converters very cheap.. http://static.sonovente.com/img/library/zoom/4/4725_5.jpg
  11. Dj worx saying it'll come with windows 10...
  12. I've bought 1 lot, great price! Original wire : http://proxfade.co.uk/shop/?product=original-pxf-wire-loom
  13. When I go to generate the Gerber file, the tool shows me drc errors. What do I have to do now? Thanks! https://goo.gl/photos/LkNaWyNfGDjWTMLx7
  14. xwax it's the core of Mixxx, looks like virtual dj.... hehehe
  15. it'll come with a new mini inno pro.. 0,01mm cut wow!!! https://www.facebook.com/PatrickDanaherGCS/posts/1387354444615083
  16. Amazing project http://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-Record/
  17. Is a expensive price for a passive fader...
  18. I tried thousand times to recalibrate the mini inno and nothing, if I try recalibrating , the mini inno it's going crazy and not respond good... shit
  19. I noticed today that my numark pt01 engine , is beginning to drop black oil. The oil is smearing me the slipmats and vinyls...Anyone else with this problem?
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