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Everything posted by 3D

  1. http://blogs.pcworld.com/staffblog/archives/003031.html Hope Not.
  2. Sweet mate. You got more room now then. skype me up Biiaaaaaaaaaatchhhhhhh.
  3. I'm into just through my older brother who still goes to northern soul nights. I listened to it a lot growing up some of the prices for stuff is crazy though. Its pretty hard to define as well, northern soul heads are the original vinyl diggers. My brother is very knowledgable about it all. Quality stuff.
  4. I thought you were going to upload some old skool mixes... Once I've digitised them I might mate how about you? you still going to do one.
  5. Nice mix mate, loving all the old school rave stuff on there.
  6. I really liked this mix the tunes were spot on. dope
  7. 3D

    Neo soul

    Someones taking the piss then. I don't really care I really thought you were taking the piss, not sure people can suddenly change a genre name to suit like that. To most it means rhythm and blues. This music genre thing has gone crazy FLOL its hilarious.
  8. 3D

    Neo soul

    pardon my naivety, but when you say that d'you just mean the modern r n b stands for rhythm n bass? That's bollocks there is no such thing. it's rhythm and blues matt is taking the piss, I hope. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythm_&_Blues
  9. sound control are really expensive. The one in leeds wanted 150 quid for the most fucked 06a I've ever seen. That was in the sale bit. LOL
  10. link does'nt work. I used to have one of them nice little bit of kit, great fun.
  11. Looks nothing like him. i thought it was me me too
  12. real nice again steve, I ain't a big hip hop head so don't know many of the tracks or owt. finish it mate! DOPE!
  13. DL'ing now give a listen on the way into work in the morning. cheers steve
  14. I also like to mix live and its what I did for a long time, I think it has to do with genre. I've played out a lot of different genres and mixing house/techno and even hip hop is nice live due to the programmed nature of it. I try and be more creative now in my tune selection and maybe take 4 bars from here and there and it's mainly soul/funk and obscure stuff so that's why I've begun multitracking it. That's not saying you can't do it live cause I could just means the mixing would be quicker more stressfull and a little rough round the edges.
  15. So is everybody multitracking there mixes now? I was out of the loop for a long time the last mix I did was 10 years ago and steves 4D mix was the first multitracked mix I heard which I loved. Since getting back into it all nearly all the mixes I've heard are multitracked and heavily cut and pasted with the tunes only lasting seconds rather than minutes. I am working on my first multitracked mix and it's letting me mix stuff that live stuff does'nt. I am really into it. Does a Live mix just not cut it anymore?
  16. Hey Wax, I ain't really in a position to give critique I always thought your cuts were good on your mixes and stuff. How long you been cutting? You ever have a cut with other heads. If you got skype I'd have a cut with you. I'm not any were near you for tech or owt but if your up for a sesh than Pm me mate.
  17. 3D

    Combo Generator

    Messed about with this last night for about 2 hours Must say I was relly impressed fooking great job sideshow massive props to you and everybody else involved. If you've got mates then I suppose you don't need this but I've got no mates so I can do Qand A's with the computer, fooking WEIRD. Made me realise how shite I am at stringing combo's together and how whack my cutting is. again thanks fooking great bit of software.
  18. I think that's why I've never changed them. They are getting pretty warn out now though.
  19. 3D

    Combo Generator

    DL'ing now again thanks, I really appreciate it.
  20. I've been looking into new carts I've been rocking the 500al's for far to long now. I've never had a problem with them. Will I really notice the difference if I get shure's? At 120 quid for 3 there a little pricey.
  21. This and the mp3 one have both been that, keep them coming matt. I've been searching in the archive over the last couple of days and it looks like there were some pretty interesting topics flying around this place about 2 years ago.
  22. I think the point is AAHHHH is good for practising technique so that's why you hear it a lot in practice files etc. If you used it on every scratch on a mixtape then thats pretty lazy although I doubt anybody would do that. It's just good for practising cutting thats all I would say.
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