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Crabs with the reverse finger order?


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Everyone does crab scratches starting from the little/pinky or ring finger to the index finger, but do you think it's possible to do them just as well starting from the index finger and going the other way? Are there any DJs that do it?



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I have a hybrid approach. Somewhere along the way I learned this, prolly from TTNN: start with the index, then follow it up with the pinky, ring, middle and index again. You get 5 clicks compared to 4. The muscle memory was crazy quick to learn, too.

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That just seems counterintuitive. 

My pseudoscience:

1. The further your finger is from your thumb, the further it has to travel.  

2. The further a finger has to travel, the more force it requires to keep the same click interval.

3. The ring finger is further than the middle.  The middle is further than the index. 


If you had a bounce a basketball 4 times quickly - you would tend towards bouncing a shorter distance than the previous bounce rather than towards a longer distance each successive bounce.


I crab in a weird way too.  3 finger crab + twiddle to get 5 sounds.  Ring, Middle, Index, Middle, Index.

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It feels totally unnatural for sure, and I think what you said makes sense Goonie. I was just wondering if it was possible to achieve decent results with practice.

I swear I once saw a Canadian guy doing it in the DMC, but I can't remember his name and I can't find the video on YouTube. It would have been in the 90s.

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Was it Lil Jazz? He was who stood out most from Canada..

That's one of the few scratches I can do well because that's what I thought was happening when I heard people flare so I practiced and practiced it. To me it feels more than unnatural... almost uncomfortable on the wrist. You almost have to rotate your hand as you do it or the fingers don't hit correctly. also seems like a really slow reload to do a second one. Doing it 3 fingers and leaving out the pinky feels best to me but still very weird. 

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