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New Thud/Intel mixer


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Win10 was a dead mobile platform before it was even released.

Oh and if you speak to the developer of DJPlayerPro, he is already in the process of making it cross platform, I suspect Android is next, which means that it will be extremely cheap to get it running.

I know their amazing work but I'm not going to pay for subscription for djplayer pro since:

- I have purchased djplayer (20€) and he retired it from the store without fix cue pop.

- I don't need stems but if need them...

- Djay pro has stems, video and controller support for a closed price.


I think subscription is a bad movement and I'm not going to support it anymore, recomending it I will say.

Perhaps NI update in the right way Traktor dj app and bring all for right price but I just don't care since my workflow has changed and I will be more interested in usb upgrade of cdx than dvs control of any "computer" ;)

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Qbert and Yogafrog, tucked up in their bunk beds: -


Yogafrog: . o O (...and if everything goes to plan, I'll make 6 figures out of this!...)


Qbert: Hey Ritchie. So you said when we start selling this new mixer my pocket money will go up to $7 a week, right?


Yogafrog: Yes, Q, and just think how many Japanese toy robots you'll be able to buy with that!


Qbert: I'm excited! Also, Ritchie....


Yogafrog: Yes, Q?


Qbert: Is it true that the moon is hollow and filled with chocolate and that there's a man what lives in it? Is it, Ritchie, is it?


Yogafrog: Oh, FFS, not this again.....

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Win10 was a dead mobile platform before it was even released.

Oh and if you speak to the developer of DJPlayerPro, he is already in the process of making it cross platform, I suspect Android is next, which means that it will be extremely cheap to get it running.

I know their amazing work but I'm not going to pay for subscription for djplayer pro since:

- I have purchased djplayer (20€) and he retired it from the store without fix cue pop.

- I don't need stems but if need them...

- Djay pro has stems, video and controller support for a closed price.


I think subscription is a bad movement and I'm not going to support it anymore, recomending it I will say.

Perhaps NI update in the right way Traktor dj app and bring all for right price but I just don't care since my workflow has changed and I will be more interested in usb upgrade of cdx than dvs control of any "computer" ;)



To be fair, it is $90 for 5 years, that is less than the cost of purchase for most DVS software, and while i never really support subscription, at least he does release updates nearly monthly, try getting a bug fix out of NI on a regular basis hahaha.

He had some serious issues with Apple by the way, they wouldn't let him keep DJPlayer on the store, unless he continued to sell it, which he obviously didn't want to do, I suspect that may be why he is pushing towards cross platform, but i would contact him about the cue pop thing if it is an issue, that would piss me off if he didn't sort it.

I do need to get DJay Pro at some point, I picked up an XWDJ1, and that is designed specifically for that.

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I talk to him by mail and told me about new djplayer pro with all the news and old being discontinnued. Also told him about me not being big fan of subscription models (I have my idevices non jailbroken and I spent some money in things like lemur or korg module etc so big price is not the problem, subscription is.) Also I sold my mac mini due to lack of innovation in these realm and pricey software with do less than counterside apps (modstep or vj apps are examples) or almost do the "best" of these apps at a fair price.

Djplayer was one of these giving dvs at tablet realm at right price but the cue pop know bug not fixed... I will still use djplayer at my old iPhone if it was useful but without cue I can't use it as a sampler (which could be the mainly use) so forget about it. I will just go for Djay Pro soon as I need mixing something and keep with vidbox as visual sampler/looper. The fallen part in all this mesh is the less important at last: scratching.


Final offtopic: If I could get the cdx working, I will use it for pleasure but in my priority chart of next cool things I'm most interested on foot pedals for clip launching than any form of dvs (and also I have traktor license for remix deck with atom in the worst case). Things like that are why I came mad with thud rumble nosenses or serato asking for midi clock... The only true innovation I see in djing (keeping Pioneer hardware aside) is from this forum and John Beez (when finally release the fretless).


Back on topic:

There is an interesting path don't full explored in raspberry pi xwax standalone black box that I talked some time ago too... Adivine where? Yup at drive and some googlegroups forums... ~~~%V



Edited by Mutis Mayfield
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Qbert and Yogafrog, tucked up in their bunk beds: -


Yogafrog: . o O (...and if everything goes to plan, I'll make 6 figures out of this!...)


Qbert: Hey Ritchie. So you said when we start selling this new mixer my pocket money will go up to $7 a week, right?


Yogafrog: Yes, Q, and just think how many Japanese toy robots you'll be able to buy with that!


Qbert: I'm excited! Also, Ritchie....


Yogafrog: Yes, Q?


Qbert: Is it true that the moon is hollow and filled with chocolate and that there's a man what lives in it? Is it, Ritchie, is it?


Yogafrog: Oh, FFS, not this again.....

LMFAO brilliant

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Win10 was a dead mobile platform before it was even released.

Oh and if you speak to the developer of DJPlayerPro, he is already in the process of making it cross platform, I suspect Android is next, which means that it will be extremely cheap to get it running.

I know their amazing work but I'm not going to pay for subscription for djplayer pro since:

- I have purchased djplayer (20€) and he retired it from the store without fix cue pop.

- I don't need stems but if need them...

- Djay pro has stems, video and controller support for a closed price.


I think subscription is a bad movement and I'm not going to support it anymore, recomending it I will say.

Perhaps NI update in the right way Traktor dj app and bring all for right price but I just don't care since my workflow has changed and I will be more interested in usb upgrade of cdx than dvs control of any "computer" ;)



To be fair, it is $90 for 5 years, that is less than the cost of purchase for most DVS software, and while i never really support subscription, at least he does release updates nearly monthly, try getting a bug fix out of NI on a regular basis hahaha.

He had some serious issues with Apple by the way, they wouldn't let him keep DJPlayer on the store, unless he continued to sell it, which he obviously didn't want to do, I suspect that may be why he is pushing towards cross platform, but i would contact him about the cue pop thing if it is an issue, that would piss me off if he didn't sort it.

I do need to get DJay Pro at some point, I picked up an XWDJ1, and that is designed specifically for that.



But you own nothing in reality. No resale possible. Even the most outdated gear can get you a few bucks.

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you gotta love the demo vid too.


the talk about how it's revolutionary and they basically cut an aaah and only use the crossfader.


I get that it's probably still in concept/prototype stages, in that case i'd keep it under wraps a bit longer.

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Pointless keeping it under wraps, there are systems out there that beat this now, features and price, by the time these guys get it to market it will be outdated something silly.

But the main reason they are floating this is to generate hype, going to a manufacturer to get them to build your design (exactly what these guys will be doing) is much easier if you can say "look how much hype its generated"

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It's a conspiracy between Rasteri, the illuminati / lizards and mixer manufacturers to make mixers prone to beer damage.

Wake up sheeple.

As soon as I see this phrase, I instantly believe all that was written before it. It's like finding out your whole life is a dream and you were wrong about everything. I hate to nitpick though but the correct way to write this phrase is all caps...


WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's a conspiracy between Rasteri, the illuminati / lizards and mixer manufacturers to make mixers prone to beer damage.

Wake up sheeple.

Where is Timestretch when you need him?!!?

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Are they actually going out of their way to make the renders ugly ?


You gotta have room for Q's sig on the super ultra deluxe signature model. Duh. It makes you cut faster.

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