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Rane TTM-57 MKII Opinions?

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So, I'm going to finally buy a new mixer and enter the realm of DVS. I looked around about 6 months ago and sort of figured out I wanted the new 57.


Has anybody put some real time in on one of these? If so how are they? I keep hearing the faders aren't as good anymore.


Basically, it's got 2 things going for it that the competition (mainly the Pioneer S9) doesn't have: (1) an effects loop (I tend to use guitar pedals and other vintage rack mount effects); and (2) an upfader swap button (I always keep my upfaders swapped for tru-fades).







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So, I'm going to finally buy a new mixer and enter the realm of DVS. I looked around about 6 months ago and sort of figured out I wanted the new 57.


Has anybody put some real time in on one of these? If so how are they? I keep hearing the faders aren't as good anymore.


Basically, it's got 2 things going for it that the competition (mainly the Pioneer S9) doesn't have: (1) an effects loop (I tend to use guitar pedals and other vintage rack mount effects); and (2) an upfader swap button (I always keep my upfaders swapped for tru-fades).

It's dope! It feels closer to the 56/original 57 than the 62 does. The 62 is another good option if built-in effects are something you're interested in. Also the 62 you can put effects on the AUX input which you can't on the 57mk2. The 57mk2 you can assign different internal effects to each channel though (flange on channel 1, delay on channel 2) whereas the 62 if you have delay running, you can't have flange on the other side, it's either delay as well or no effect. Also the 62 doesn't have upfader swap button, but with the 62, and S9 you can switch the faders internally if you keep them like that 100% of the time (that's what I do).


The 57mk2 has better buttons than the 62, and the joysticks are handy for easy sonic flares, or clever mapping because you can midi map a different function to each direction of the joystick which is sometimes nicer than having a different button per function and having to hunt for it on the fly. You also have access to all 8 cue points on the 57mk2 (2 layers), but only 5 on the 62. I use the 57mk2 at home but still perform on the 62 because a lot of my routines are tailored specifically for it.


Also, if you decide to pick up the 57mk2 and don't have a link... I have 3, and 1 is new in box, if it makes sense shipping wise from Canada I'd hook you up.

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Nice. Thanks for the breakdown!


And shit, you swap the upfaders too? You're the only other DJ I've come across that actually uses that feature. I got so used to it on my 56 that I hard swapped them on my TTM-54. If you cut regular style it's the way to go for tru-fades/mules! I can't believe I don't see that more because tru-faded chirps and one-click flares are so butter. If they would have done that pan feature on the TTM-56 upfaders right I'd be tru-panning all over the place too.


So yeah, I'm thinking the 57 is going to oust the 62 for me. The only thing that really bothers me about the new 57 is the no wet/dry on the effects loop, but nobody does that anymore so I have no other option really. Everything else is minor gripes. RCA effects loops is kind of dumb as far as I'm concerned but I guess vintage effects are not the norm. Effects on the Aux would be nice but I've got a multi-mixer set up so I can work around that if I need it. Bigger buttons would be cool too but I can live with it.

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