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It's been almost 2 years since I backed Qbert's Kickstarter.....


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Qbert messaged me on Twitter to say that the records are now done and all that's left to do is the main packaging (a box that holds all of the records).


I'll bump this thread up in a year when the shit still hasn't arrived. :d



So that big boat they were on left without the records ? ;-)

maybe they forgot to build a boat as well? thats why it took so long. you dont build a big boat in a day.

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Heard the boat is missing a specific piece needed before they can ship out.


Yes they do and he's called

"the captain"


I actually heard it was 2 specific items that were needed btw the other thing was a jolly Roger flag

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Maybe Steve should think of catching a plane out to Somalia then and try and help Q and Yodeller speed things up a bit and finally get his records at last ?


Best of luck if you do decide to go to Somalia btw Steve ive heard its nice there at this time of year :8

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Guest Psychedelic Schizophrenic


Heard the boat is missing a specific piece needed before they can ship out.


Yes they do and he's called

"the captain"



Apparently Q and Yoda hired Captain Birdseye to sail the boat from China, unfortunately it's still in the dock as Captain Birdseye is the latest name to be accused of abusing underage childen in operation Yewtree.


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  • 3 weeks later...

We'll also be dropping a new run of 7" BABY SEAL 2 in limited edition GLOW IN THE DARK PINK / RED, new Shortkut 7" along with new Traktor vinyl and some other cats that can't leave the bag yet. Aside from vinyl we'll finally be getting in some new apparel and stickers shortly so keep on the look out for that, you've asked, we're answering! Who loves you?

Except for Steve. They apparently don't love him at all.

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  • 2 months later...

Maybe it will be really really really good when/if it does arrive?

I suppose this is one of those Kickstarter related risks, which doesn't excuse it but puts it along the line of investment type risks (bad loans etc.).

Also, maybe I am overestimating Qbert's net worth, but if he has realised he can't deliver, just refund the money, plus nominal interest etc. and apologise.

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Maybe it will be really really really good when/if it does arrive?

I suppose this is one of those Kickstarter related risks, which doesn't excuse it but puts it along the line of investment type risks (bad loans etc.).

Also, maybe I am overestimating Qbert's net worth, but if he has realised he can't deliver, just refund the money, plus nominal interest etc. and apologise.


I think you're over estimating. It's probably spent and he doesn't have the spare change or he'd be offering refunds to those the people still waiting.

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If i was in Q-Bert's position i'd be thoroughly ashamed of myself for acting in this way towards people who have basically helped him to have a fucking career in the first place -i mean its a niche musical artform to start with so to alienate the community that has respected and supported you and your work for all these years seems like a completely stupid thing to be doing..


Steve-sorry if its an obvious question but have you talked with anyone else who's experienced the same problems as yourself in all of this away from DV on other forums or elsewhere ? ..


^^^Edit-forget this bit id mis-read your post where you said the puzzle backers alone fronted 14 grand so obviously you must have


I know we aren't the biggest music community on the Interweb in terms of members but we obviously do get quite a lot of traffic coming through from guests to the site and obviously the vast majority are coming here for scratch related content which makes me wonder how many of them read threads like this one and see how much Q & Thud Rumble are damaging their reputation by doing stuff like this and especially amongst the hardcore of scratch heads on DV ?

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To be fair, i think they have niched the niche, they have found a market, so enthralled with their god like status, that they can literally take a shit on a piece of card, and say hey, this is new scratchy poo vol 1, when you put it on your turntable it flings poo all over the walls, and guess what, this is your deities poo Q, the wonderful Q, and oh yeah, we have fucked a crap PC in a mixer, the PC is out of date the day after you bought the mixer, but guess what, it has Q on it, the wonderful Q !!!!

They are basically raping the shit out of what is left of the scene.

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They are basically raping the shit out of what is left of the scene.


I used to not think so but it's increasingly looking like that's the case. Just trying to tap that cash cow for whatever they can.

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If i was in Q-Bert's position i'd be thoroughly ashamed of myself for acting in this way towards people who have basically helped him to have a fucking career in the first place

You have a conscience though, Dan. These guys obviously do not. They've posted no updates for 8 months. They've posted no apology. They've not offered refunds. Some people have moved house since they backed the Kickstarter and have had no reply when trying to contact them about their change of address. Only people who don't give a fuck treat their fans/customers/backers like that.


@Monkey-Hands - I've had 2 responses from Kickstarter. Here's the most recent one: -


Gary (Kickstarter)


Sep 7, 2:12 PM EDT


Hi Steve,


Thank you for following up with us about the status of this project. I'm sorry that backing this project has turned into such a disappointing experience. We've reached out to the creator with a reminder of their obligations to their backer community, and have forwarded along your concerns and those of your fellow backers. While we're disheartened that they have not yet updated backers on the status of their project, we're unable to force them to do so.


We know how frustrating this situation is. However, it's also important to remember that supporting creators as they work to bring projects to life isn't anything like shopping in a store, and it's anything but failproof. In fact, it's not intended to be — giving creators room to try out their new ideas is a big part of why we love what we do. Backing a project on Kickstarter is an expression of trust and can help lead to the creation of new and exciting things. This also means that sometimes complications arise that might prevent a project from unfolding as planned — or from happening at all.


This certainly isn't ideal, but our aim is that backers and creators can find constructive ways to communicate with each other through these difficulties. Most of the time, creators both communicate and deliver, and backers have good experiences; we hope you'll find that what you’ve gone through is the exception, not the rule.


Although we are unable to offer refunds, we are constantly working to improve the vetting process for creators and thank you for sharing your experience. I'll be sure to share your feedback with the rest of the team. We know we have more work to do, and we're actively listening to our community to figure out how best to improve our product and policies. In the meantime, we hope you’ll find projects that you feel confident about — ideas that really resonate with you and projects where you can look into the creator's plan, experience, and reputation and find them to be strong.





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