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Just a note about using the forum.....


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There are 2 editors you can use when making posts. The rich text editor and the plain text editor or "BBCode Mode". You can switch between these by hitting this button, which is the top-left button above the post box: -


When using the rich text editor, it works best if you use the other toolbar buttons to perform certain actions, inserting an image for example, rather than typing in code manually or pasting it into your post. Manually using code (or pasting it in) will work in some cases with the rich text editor, but it is designed to be used with the buttons. If you hover the mouse pointer over a button a tooltip will appear telling you what it does. If you're the type of person that likes to use BBCode manually, switch to the other editor and use that.


I'm mentioning the above because a few small changes have been made to the way the forum software works.

There are still a few little bugs/quirks with the editor at the moment. For example, if you highlight one sentence in a post and hit the button to right-align it, your entire post will be right-aligned. These small issues will be worked out over time.


And here's a tip if you're quoting a large post and you want to break it down into individual quotes so you can respond to each point in turn. This works only with the rich text editor: -


1. Quote the post as normal.

2. Insert a blank line after the first point you want to respond to and position the cursor in that blank line.

3. Do a quick double-tap of the enter key.


That will cause the quote box to split into 2 automatically. You can then respond to the first point and you can repeat steps 2 and 3 above to continue splitting the rest of the quote into separate points so you can reply to each one. When you get used to it, it's the quickest way to do it.

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