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the new propellerhead software product...

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i don't know who any of those people are, hopefully they're experienced and not just john smiths who got roped in off the street with the qualifier 'hey did you know that you can make MUSIC on a COMPUTER?'... assuming they do and this isn't acted the props have piqued my interest. i honestly can't really think of anything that would literally blow me away that much, it must be a completely new way of thinking. they're no stranger to innovation though, rebirth, reason, recycle, all ground breaking stuff...


we do get to find out later today what it is, i think. any guesses? the only clue i can garner so far is that the OMG moments have been reactions to onscreen stimulus only, as in, no audio, no penny dropping moments as they actually use the software- so i assume it's a new way of thinking rather than just an evolution of ideas... i think it's safe to assume it's music related though- right?


to be honest i can't imagine really getting that excited about any computer software, the reactions were kinda hyperbole ridden.

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ffs is everyone fucking stupid, they announce a new DAW the other day and everyone's been ranting about it everywhere, then this vid comes out and everyone is say "I wander what it is"...it's the fucking DAW u idiots lol.




PS, I could be wrong.

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i know daw's a bit of a loose term but i'd hesitate to even put ableton live in that category- software like logic pro, cubase and sonar, yes- to me it's all to with the extent to which you can use them to do the real nitty gritty of audio and midi work, not just make music. so to that end i'd put ableton as a piece of music software with daw features, because there's things it just doesn't do. the reason i'm making this distinction is because i don't necessarily think that props are going to release a daw simply because it's on the grapevine that they're releasing a new product that has audio input. also, surely the important thing from all of this is the OMFGWTFBBQF reactions, which i don't really see anyone having from ANOTHER daw...


like i say, hm... hehe

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well I only said daw because that's what that futuremusic thing said and they seemed to know a fair but about it since they knew they weren't simply adding audio capabilities to reason.


As for the definition of a DAW yes it's a loose term but I would definitely put Ableton it that category because it is a work station with which works with digital audio ...for me a DAW or Digital Audio Workstation is some thing which lets you arrange and manipulate audio and ableton does just that, midi/softsynth function has nothing to do with it, you have midi sequencers and you have DAWs however in the case of all the major player now they do both. Cubase was a midi sequencer for years but became a DAW when they added audio tracks. But that's just my interpretation.

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