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anyone using this software with the final scratch records to control it?


if so, is it a viable final scratch alternative? want to make sure before i shell out on the records, phono preamps etc - audio files would be good if possible


also, anyone know anywhere cheaper to get the finalscratch records for less than £29 plus shipping? tried skratchuk and got no response



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anyone using this software with the final scratch records to control it?


if so, is it a viable final scratch alternative? want to make sure before i shell out on the records, phono preamps etc - audio files would be good if possible


also, anyone know anywhere cheaper to get the finalscratch records for less than £29 plus shipping? tried skratchuk and got no response





uhh, is there a video?

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do you use phono preamps, or go straight into the soundcard at phono level? using a sblivedrive with kx drivers atm, but might get a maya44 and nick a laptop for when i want to go live (work with a rapper quite a bit, it'd be good to be able to sample his voice/cut up his self-produced beats instead of using a discman for backing tracks as usual ;))


think its worth my ~£60 :)

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i use it when i have time, it is very good, depends mostly on your soundcard and the asio latency

there are videos on the site and tons of info in their forum

you dont need phono preamps anymore, but i still use them cos i have them

i got my fsvinyl from djstore.co.uk, think they were £15 each

get one and the demo and you can try it out - i used the kx drivers for a while

let me know if i can answer any other q's

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right, i got the two recoreds today and im using a sb live! drive 2 soundcard - it has the front bay with otical ins/outs etc. anyway, i have no idea how to set it up really ;) - i plugged the turntable (grounded by the mixer) into the line in and the pc into the line in on my mixer (only using one turntable at the moment), but what settings should i use? i got the latest kx drivers for it.


i've gone through all the inputs on djdecks and tried to calibrate them but none are getting any signal so i guess i have to setup the soundcard differently, and none of the how tos on the forum seem to be specifically for my card

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I dunno if that'll work. You need 2 stereo inputs and 2 stereo outputs. Here's how it's supposed to be routed.


Left Turntable RCA lead goes directly into one of the stereo inputs on the sound card.

Right Turntable RCA lead goes directly into one of the stereo inputs on the sound card.


One output from the soundcard goes into the line level input on the mixer

The other output from the soundcard goes into the other line level input on the mixer.


Then configure the software and you're set to go.

The way this works is that the direct input from the tables to the soundcard is allowing the the software to read the time-coding on the record. Then, you're feeding the signal back out of the sound card and into the mixer so you can cut over it. If you need some schematics for the setup or if this isn't clear enough take a look here http://www.mspinky.com/WreckedSystem_PhysSetup.html

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Since you're only using one turntable, you technically only need one stereo in and one stereo out, but once you get another turntable you'll need to upgrade the card to one with 2 stereo ins and outs. However, if you occupy all your ins and outs trying to setup the FS emulation, then you wont have a free output to run music played off your computer into Line2.

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thanks stickey, although i do know all that already (sorry!)


my problem is i dont know what kx settings to use to enable it to. work basically ;) djdecks isnt recieving any signal from my turntable, although the soundcard is definately recieving signal as i can hear it when i turn that channel up, and when i click calibrate it doesnt detect anything




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(as i said in the new turntable thread,) got it working now!


i need to find the "sweet spot" for the settings, but it works really damn well! as close to vinyl as is possible at the moment, some slight problems with fluctuating slow stuff and abrupt stops, but apart from that its wicked, gonna buy some more cables tomorrow and then ill have both decks set up through it :)


marvellous, get it!

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Guest Mike Reezy
it's great when you finally get the kx drivers working

i bet you'll find it miles easier with the maya

i got a dmx 6fire 24/96 for it and it literally worked in about 5 minutes

those kx's were a bitch

glad its working mate


I dont even have a soundcard, I just have the built in motherboard 3 module unit thing w/ mic in, line in, and line out.


If I buy an FS vinyl and get this software, will I be able to use it? This seems like the cheapest digital solution so far, and Im kinda strapped. But I could go down the street and buy a FS vinyl, and if one of you chaps would send me the program, I would be set.


Let me know guys

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you would need to buy a soundcard, but they can be picked up relatively cheap now, check out the maya44, thats what most people recommend for djdecks, available over here for 60 quid, so thats probably about $60 over there


and the program is available as a 35 minute free version, or you can buy it for $29, or download a crack


www.djdecks.be have a play around first, see what you think, i'd seriosuly recommend it it especially considering the price, just paid for the licence myself (the only paid for piece of software on my pc i think!)

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Guest Mike Reezy
you would need to buy a soundcard, but they can be picked up relatively cheap now, check out the maya44, thats what most people recommend for djdecks, available over here for 60 quid, so thats probably about $60 over there


and the program is available as a 35 minute free version, or you can buy it for $29, or download a crack


www.djdecks.be have a play around first, see what you think, i'd seriosuly recommend it it especially considering the price, just paid for the licence myself (the only paid for piece of software on my pc i think!)


because I need asio right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could probably do it with 3 ins and 3 outs. You'll need an extra out on your mixer, though, like a record or aux out. You'll set it up like I explained earlier in the post, except you'll need a third input that you're running the record or aux output line into. You'll have to configure the settings for your soundcard and within your multitracking program so that the program uses the third output for multitracking, as opposed to the first or second that the tables go into. You'll end up using the third out to run back into the mixer. It might look something like this



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damn the cheapest maya 44 usb external sound card (since I would use it for my laptop) is $130. you guys know of any other soundcard I could use with my laptop thats not that expensive. Because i dont wanna try it out and not like it and be out $130 or it not be compatible or work good enough with my laptop.

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Check Froogle. Sometimes there are openbox ones listed on there for $99. But trust me, i've looked EVERYWHERE, and the maya is the cheapest card that has asio support and the required number of ins and outs.

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umm... its pretty flashy... the qsticks are cool but i dont use them too much but you can do some cool tricks with it... personally i'd like to get something else cause ive owned so many vestax mixers... the cross fader feels really nice, it has faders for almost everything... i mean if you like vestax its prob the nicest one out besides that 007... im thinkin about a rane56, maybe a plain black 07, or that pioneer 707 or 909... id just like to try something else...

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