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Dsico collection upped!


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Nice one mate. It's working now. I'll be up for cuts later on. I still ain't set my decks up and I can't find Superseal which I need to do some cuts for Sideshow. I gotta go out about 2ish but I'll be up for it later for sure.

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that's what I mean exactly, you're just begging for it to do that. I absolutely love the murder on the dancefloor track. Love it. I love the idea of taking all this hideously ugly music and expressing the ugliness of it in an upfront way, sorta, if you know what I mean.

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that's what I mean exactly, you're just begging for it to do that.  I absolutely love the murder on the dancefloor track.  Love it.  I love the idea of taking all this hideously ugly music and expressing the ugliness of it in an upfront way, sorta, if you know what I mean.


There's a special story to accompany this one.........



now one of the chaps from sophie's old band ( theaudience ) was a good friend of mine and used to work in the same shop as I did. Both he and I were a couple of months gone by the time these events take place, but the bextor was still mistakenly coming to the store 'cause Dean always used to give her a discount; (rich folk love a bargain as much as any of us) despite her allegedly fucking over the band in ways i don't know the ins and outs of.


Heeanyway, who should wander into the dj section one day but the bextor and her (new) man (who thought he was a dj innit) looking for a 'dj setup' (i think he ended up getting 'techniques' in the end)....


Now, whilst spanky was negotiating his rather insignificant piss-ant sale, sophie and her sprog had bugger all to do, so she plops herself down next to the main speakers which are belting out a compilation of my own choosing............and begins breastfeeding her spawn in the fucking shop in full view of paying customers - cheeky fucking cow. John the supervisor, having been well schooled in the ways of customer relations by my good self lets this outrageous behaviour slide - but only because he knows full well that murdered murder is only two short tracks away. Within 10 seconds of it starting, 'old rhombus face' has packed her tit and child away and is heading for the ground floor, leaving kev/barry to try and conclude his deal of the century on his own (he had to go upstairs to get her to bring her credit card down





Murder on the DARRNCE Flooor.................

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