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Another attempt at multi tracking.


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I know its super short but steve's multitrack thread gave me the inspiration to fire up adobe audition one more time. These little 36 seconds took me a while to get down and I would like to know if I'm off on the right foot. I definitely plan on making a full hour mix or so multi-tracking. Thanks for the input :)



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I thought it was good man, but I would add a couple of extra steps. I can't tell if this will sound good until you try it, but it's something I would try if I was doing it: -


1. Add a little echo to the end word on some of the scratch samples. One place I would definitely try it is on the word "down" at about 12/13 seconds in. It helps the scratch sections to overlap and makes it sound smooth. Also, at 25 seconds in (or thereabouts) I would add echo to one of the "step" samples that's part of your scratching and then chop the rest of it out (the rest to the right), just cos I don't like the way the scratching fades out as the first verse comes in.


2. Add a little scratching on the beat. One place I would do it as at the start of the bar around 17/18 seconds in. Cut an appropriate bit of the beat out and just add a couple of simple baby scratches on the kick at the start of that bar.


3. This may not work, but where you scratch the beat at the start of the first main verse (which starts around 24 seconds in), you could try just adding a very short bit of scratching over the top on the first word he says, i.e. "on" from "on the Black Caesar tip". It might be too much, but try it. You don't need to do much, maybe just a little transformed baby scratch or something.


I think that would be like the icing on the cake, cos it adds just that little bit of extra depth. It may not work, but I would give it a go.

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I'm not sure you followed my advice with this second version, not that you had to or anything! I prefer the second version, but.........


Regarding the echo I talked about on the word "down", I think you need to change it so it echoes out slowly, like "DOWN...down....down....." (you know what I mean) instead of the echo effect you chose in this case, as it echoes out too fast IMO.


What you did with the beat is beyond what I suggested, but again, that's not me saying that it's wrong! I was thinking more of a cut off at the end of a bar, followed by a baby scratch or two on a kick to start the next bar. What you did kinda works though and I like it.


I think the only real thing I would change without question is the scratching on "on the Black Caesar....". I would just scratch on the "on" part of that and I think it would sound much better that way, as long as it sounds like you're scratching the intro of the first verse. As it stands, I don't like how it goes "on the Black Caesar......." then the first verse kicks in, where he repeats that.


As far as complexity goes, you can't really put a sample like this into context without hearing the whole mix. Sometimes simple is great, sometimes complex is great, but you don't want to do too much of either in a multitracked mix IMO.


Also, what advice I give you is obviously based largely on how I would do things but there's no right or wrong way, so what I say is far from gospel. Do what you think sounds good in the context of the entire mix/project. Finish it though! Even though it seems you're already discovering how painstaking it can be, lol, the more you do it, the better you'll get and then you'll be dropping some unique sounding mixes using methods that very few people can be bothered with.

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I completely agree with you on the delay effect on down... I was trying to actually achieve that by messing with the paramaters of the echo effect in Adobe Audition, and that was the only echo I could come up with. On another note I guess I completely misunderstood what you were saying on cutting up the drums... Imma try just adding some basic baby scratches on every first beat and see how that sounds as well... might make it sound a bit more simplistic and hopefully better. Thanks for your input steve, I really appreciate that you not only take the time to listen but write such descriptive and constructive feedback.

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No worries mate! I love listening to this kind of thing.


With echo in Audition, you want to mess with the delay slider. If each "hit" of the echo is on time already, you can just multiply the figure by 2, 4 or whatever and type the number of ms into the delay boxes manually, so for instance, multiplying by 2 gives you twice the space in between each echo hit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am currently working on a full mix that includes this in it. I have fixed the echo and the on a black ceaser tip part. It now sounds muuuch better.


On the multi tracking mix its coming along slowly but surely. I think i need to comit my self to a certain number if songs to add each day


O yeah steve do you know where to find acapellas in mp3 format my hip hop singles on vinyl is very limited and thus limits my creativity.


On another note i been rocking your new mixtape and shit is bananas.

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