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my new toy


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Got a new toy and finally tested it out last night. It's a midines (http://www.wayfar.net/0xf00000_overview.php)

They are almost impossible to get because the guy that makes them is a total deadbeat... you can either order one and pay him and hope you get it within a year or buy one for a big markup on ebay. I kinda lucked into this one. A guy that had modded my C64 was selling everything he owned and offered me first dips. Major hookup too. Basically for the same price as the midines from wayfar plus he threw in a modded NES with 1/4" stereo outs and a new 72-pin adaptor. I basically got it for half price. I don't have a midi-plug keyboard anymore... been thinking now of getting an Axiom 25 or something...but it did hook up to my padkontrol and I could control the main filter with the x/y pad. I guess I could also hook it up to the midi in my audio interface and run it in Ableton but never tried that before. I'll try n post some vids later.


It has 5 channels:

MIDI Channel 01 = Pulse 01

MIDI Channel 02 = Pulse 02

MIDI Channel 03 = Triangle

MIDI Channel 04 = Noise

MIDI Channel 05 = sample (DMC) channel




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Actually, I guess more accurate to say I just dabble now. I used to make lots of beats on my mpc but ever since having kids it's been hard to do any real work.


I'm still a sucker for gear tho.

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Actually, I guess more accurate to say I just dabble now. I used to make lots of beats on my mpc but ever since having kids it's been hard to do any real work.


I'm still a sucker for gear tho.


we could be great friends. altho i dont have the kids excuse.


that thing looks well good tho. its a shame u dont live closer for a play date

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ayo dirka


what are the pads like on the PadKontrol? i'm thinking maybe getting a Kontrol 49 if i get on well with ableton...


The PadKontrol and Kontrol49 have entirely different pads mate. The Kontrol 49's a great keyboard but it's kinda dated now in light of Novation, Akai, and even M-Audio's offerings. The pads on them are probably the least impressive out of any of them - you get 16, but they're small, spongey and aren't very responsive. The PadKontrol's pads are a different animal entirely - they're actually quite similar to Maschine's.


http://www.dv247.com/computer-hardware/novation-sl49-mk2-usb-midi-keyboard-controller--63782 <--- these piss on the Kontrol 49.

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the mpk 61 has pads like the mpc500... maybe look at an mpd18 and a separate, lower cost keyboard, or pick a keyboard based on its keys, knobs and sliders and use your mpc as a midi controller. Chopping samples is a nuisance in Live compared to an MPC... Maschine is great as a go between, but it's quite expensive if the only reason you want it is the sampling.

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Yeah, I like the padKontrol... but at least 50% of my opinion is the price--paid like $40 for it... And it's pretty responsive and velocity sensitive. But the top thing is the buttons light up which is obviously the most important aspect.

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