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Burnin problems...

Sir Dongbot

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When I burn an Audio cd from downloaded mp3 files the cd has a flicking type noise which gets louder the longer the mix/track goes on. I'm pretty sure it isn't my writer as it plays cd's fine. Anyone else get this type of problem. I use both Windows Media or Nero 6 to burn.

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Is the noise mechanical, or is it the sound coming out of the speakers that's clicking? Have you tried playing the CD in a different player?


The noise is like a scrape with gets louder during louder parts of the track. The chap at PC World (who our companies laptop's are under warranty with) said that he used to get simular problems burning large MP3 files which were downloaded from the internet. He recommended buying a new software burnin package ( i forget the name) for about £50 but Im not sure if that was a load of flanel or not...

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Try decoding them all to .wav beforehand, and then burning. Direct mp3 to audio writing has given me occasional problems in the past.

ok that sounds good, however Im not sure how to do that. Can you point me in the right direction Deft?


Cheers pal..

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