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Everything posted by broma

  1. Wasn't that quick in truth but I'm trying to be less precious and finish stuff after a long time of nothing...
  2. I'm much the same mate, although every now and then I fire up ye olde tables and have a crap scratch and quite enjoy myself. give it a try! Enjoying the mix
  3. Got a secondhand Pioneer Toraiz SP 16 on the way. Supposed to be a bit limited (compared to MPCs) and looks like Pioneer have stopped updating it but supposed to sound amazing and intuitive to make stuff on. Can't wait 🤤
  4. Seriously great stuff man, really enjoyed the dubby sesh and the dnb vibes of the one above.
  5. Nice one fellas, some good advice in here and nice to know I'm not alone on this. Thanks! That's a cool idea man. And thinking about what you can do next time is good news I think. I love that too when I'm 'in it'. Thinking about what I'm gonna do or try when I get back on it. Miss that at the moment. Yeah I've kind of got that set up in Ableton Live. Then I started getting different things like the eSPI (software SP1200 clone), Koala Sampler, KO-33. Almost got too many choices so got overwhelmed and made nothing! At the same time, trying new gear/software out has sometimes worked to kick things off. I literally started a new beat last week, but only because I'd installed Live 11 and wanted to check it was working. Kinda liked it. Haven't been back to it since though! But I guess that fits with what you say about good stuff happening when you're not intentionally doing anything. Mate, I wish we had them too. It helped that Rockwell supplied some good samples 😆
  6. I don't know why I do this but over the years I find myself doing anything but making music, even though I more often than not fucking love it when I properly get into it. I probably subconsciously worry what I make will be shit. Even though I know everyone makes shit sometimes. I worry it's a waste of time even though when I'm in the zone it's all that matters and I should do it just for that. I worry other people will think it's shit if I share it, or that no-one will give a fuck... which happens 😆 I also get overwhelm with the number of choices when starting something new. Avoidance tactics include I must dust everything down first, I'll wait until I get 'x' bit of gear, lists of things to do - with making music last on the list so I never get to it, hours 'organising' samples but no music making. The beat battles on here used to be a good way for me to start and finish something. I think I need deadlines however rough they were here, haha. Any beat makers on here involved in any online battles? I'm aware of the STBB but the turnaround on them is so quick... there's me avoiding again Any others? Anyone avoiding making like me? Could be avoiding scratching too. Any tips on how to break the rut? Saaaaaafe
  7. Loved this from when you first released it and really looking forward to your new stuff Dan. Agreed on the MPCs. I really want the Live II retro edition... even though I've never used one
  8. Oh shit I remember that clip of Troubl from back in the day. So sick! Ah and Prefuse, takes me back. Also absolutely riiiiinsed the Quasimoto mix he did way back. Def gonna tune in for this Jon
  9. I can't tell if this is a joke Diggla? 😆 RIP Chick
  10. Kutclass done did a mix of his Just Good Beats label with a bunch of beats of mine. Enjoy?! Maybe Good shows from Oonops in generalé. Stream: https://www.mixcloud.com/brooklynradio/oonops-drops-autumn-vibes/ Download and track list: http://brooklynradio.com/oonops-drops-autumn-vibes/
  11. I've got a can of gold spray paint. Will do good job on an S11 for your S9. Will pay postage. Deal?
  12. Looking so fresh and so clean, clean. Nice one
  13. It could have been the Hip Hop Years? that was a uk documentary from the late 90s/ early 2000s. Here's a bit of it...
  14. Just in case anyone here is tempted The track The Loop originated from the old beat battles in this here forum: LOOMS - FIGURES / THE LOOP (JAZZ DANCE) by LOOMS Some great stuff also being put out on the label (its run by old DV head Kutclass) so have a listen if you fancy. Hope everyones doing OK.
  15. I'm with your friend on Focusrite. I've got the 4 channel version of this, had it for a while, and been very happy with it: https://focusrite.com/en/usb-c-audio-interface/clarett-usb/clarett-8pre-usb Think you can get cheaper though! That Zoom R24 looks fucking cool too!
  16. Both are dope man. Drums are on point 👌
  17. Just upped these to Soundcloud yesterday
  18. Safe Dan! Hope you're doing ok mate.
  19. https://low-hiss.com Interesting Paid beta is out now...
  20. Nice one JB! Happy to send you the fyle if you want man
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