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Ugly Boner Rivers

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Everything posted by Ugly Boner Rivers

  1. you mean the cdx? yeah thats a bit exspensive... this player and a ttm1 costs about 1/3 of the cdx's price... gizmo or deft, any skratchworx words on this?
  2. http://www.thomann.de/thoiw5_artikel-193577.html ... combined with a ttm1 thing (for scratching cd's with your turntable) any thoughts? have anyone tried it?
  3. 5 beats, exe. and swf. in a rar. post files to the beats if you want to. id be happy to hear it http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...B55EFF949BD7AB7
  4. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=513089 at the top.. feedback on this track?
  5. not for me either.. says something about license... the other file you posted did the same
  6. yeah, i dont really care much for juggles either.. its too much ""technical"" noise/nosense. when i first started getting interested in turntablism i liked watching juggles tho.. i can still enjoy a more old school style juggle like ptrix and such (ok i know ptrix isnt really old shool but you get the point ) yo
  7. cut to it if you feel it... http://www.slickbeats.net/audio.php?AudioID=1329
  8. heres my cuts over nr2.. i recorded them yesterday but YSI didnt work so here it is now; free, but not free from mistakes
  9. haha i listened before you took the link down, im blazin
  10. hah yes its a pretty big bite! but very nice cuts nevertheless! and where can i find the "shits about to get so retarded"-sample?
  11. ive never made a mixtape but if i was to do one "jayz - heart of the city" would be in there.
  12. this is a video real izm posted in the old boomerang thread http://rapidshare.de/files/22219592/Boomer...n_Down.wmv.html (yousendit didnt work)
  13. thanks guys, i appreciate it check this out if you want to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68FuId_lNag
  14. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=513089 fre-e-estyle
  15. cut over these and post it up/tell me whet you think... avarage tempo; http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...D292E455E0631E4 slow tempo; http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...AC83F5D2D95EEF0 get to work
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