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Everything posted by pedostyle

  1. anyone have trouble learning the original flare after learning orbits? mostly a discussion. mostly me just retarded.
  2. awesome! and you know when dee says he likes it.....not that im kissing his ass or anything
  3. suddenly i am having awkward emotions towards you dee thanks man!
  4. my friend uses crabs like a crutch like i would show him chirp flare combos and he can pretty much only do transforms yells at me "well you cant crab dumbass!" makes me chuckle
  5. think i just threw up in my mouth a bit as for the bag ive been lookin forever for a retailer in the states but cant find one, lucky europeans
  6. the 007 is the official replacement for the 07
  7. i almost bought a red one i have a blue faceplate, its pretty hot lookin shit anything besides the one that comes with it is good
  8. that description is like "its like using a transform and a chirp but not really, like being able to modify chirps to sound like transforms but its actually flares so its not really chirps" this confuse anyone else? i think its one of the few scratches you have to see to learn, that audio file dont really help
  9. i had to punch my friend in the back of the head cuz i yelled his name over 10 times and he didnt respond when he was dinking on my decks sometimes being too right brained is a bad thing
  10. ping is very important when it comes to playing games online if anyone is wondering how they got the name...radar, ping pong, back and forth, any of this clicking?
  11. even with all the shit people toss about him and maybe his head is shoved a little far up his ass, the clip i heard of him was really good in my opinion i think people have watched so many clips of qbert that if you see anything slightly less talented they are automatically shit
  12. my head hurts i think the real question is, will anyone be able to tell the difference between these, even an experienced dj and even more pertinent, will they care if they do
  13. i guess if youve got money coming out of your ass this would be cool but...no pitch control? :s edit i thought i read about this befoere and that it had no pitch old school dj's would like the rotary controls i spose
  14. i dont wanna sound like a perv but when you say he "got off on it" i get this image of how he lied under cars cuz he liked the friction of the muffler and stuff rubbing against his penis or do you mean he just enjoyed it
  15. youd have to cut or scrape part of the cover off the rane upfaders are shorter than most as for p and g faders, i dunno, i just know my friend's 05 upfaders are long as hell
  16. if you need some porn nelson talk to your boy you seem a little pent up hahah jp of course
  17. all i can say is....how gimicky is vestax getting nowadays? prolly charge like 700 each of these at the start...no way you can scratch on those things FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY *cough*
  18. this cant be viable within the near future we still dont know what the vast majority of our dna does even simple crap like standing by a microwave oven probably fucks with our brains and dumb things like that (heard rumors of cell phones lowering sperm count? lol) you wont know for sure the long term reprocussions i hope people realize theres a need to draw the line somewhere
  19. i really enjoyed "dilated junkies" from the expansion team soundtrack
  20. youre right hes still better than me tho but i can see what youre saying, i dont go bragging about my skilz and can barely do 2 clickers lol
  21. http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/capi001/di...live_2_v300.asx babu sittin there while rakaa/evidence kiss kanye's ass babu looks like he's thinking "im gettin paid for this right" hehe it just me or does it look like he lost a bit of weight? he was pretty big in "scratch"
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