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Everything posted by Raoul

  1. So I asked for some info/help to Bihari but he stopped the development of this because it was expensive to produce (I think he wanted to make business with) and now he is on a new project with Bluetooth and contactless fader.... So I sensed questions to Elliot and really hope I can make them work together The final goal is to put the MM1 into the PT01 and obtain a kind of mini qfo. If someone has an idea or something it would be greatly appreciate. (And excuse my French, English is not my language)
  2. Hello everyone, I'm here specially for questions around portablism and here come the first one : How to connect a mini inno plus in this small gemini mm1 mixer ? I've seen a couple of pics with a mini inno pnp. So i guess that's it should work with a mini inno plus too. For helping I just founded this pic : https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/15802288_1099203500189190_6642580855032119296_n.jpg As i don't know anything in electronic and I don't want to broke everything, I ask for help here. Any suggestion or idea are welcome.
  3. Thanks for the welcome. You can see my tattoos and sketches on instagram : le_goulag_du_bonheur or on Facebook : le goulag du bonheur.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm Raoul, french tattoo artist who had bien interrested by turntablism since 2000's. I'm here because of my PT 01s, i try to mod it, but not with a real succes. So, here I hope that I can receive some help and share on what I experienced. And excuse me for my bad English.
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