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Everything posted by Kasbe

  1. Sup! I decided to do something productive today during the lunch break and finished inking this:
  2. Interesting read it seems, will check it during lunch today. What are your opinions on Syntorial? I did the 22 free lessons and I liked it but damn the full version is expensive.
  3. That Handroidz video is pure fire!
  4. Having watched the Scratch documentary for the 7th or 8th time recently, I found the top right commentary very funny. Awesome purchase! Hit us back with some sessions!
  5. Awesome! I'm grabbing it right now. I'm determined to make it better than last time (which shouldn't be very difficult). Thanks! P.D: I think I can provide some obscure local LPs that have probably passed under the radar in most of the world for future challenges.
  6. This and my upcoming contract renewal performance evaluation are the only things that keep me from getting a PS4.
  7. It could be worse... I was lent The best of SuperSeal, which is jam packed with awesome samples and I just used the Aaaaaah 75% of the time + Making me itch the remaining 25%. And I'm confident I haven't used more than the Aaaah, Fressssh and the Crash from my Superseal 4D. Tactical Facepalm!
  8. Oh, I'd like to get my hands on that really shitty rip
  9. Sup guys. I haven't been here for a few days, been busy. There's a high level of dopeness overall, I'm sure we'll get a nice looper going with this. Here's some doddles I've been doing for it. Raw scan.
  10. Awesome to see you put up vid on the process. Makes me think about turning the MPC into a midi controller and get a software DAW. Thx for the info! EDIT: What about a Digital Vertigo graff style with something to reference the battle theme as a looper background and marker tags with everybody's names as buttons below?
  11. Interesting, that guy is from Caceres, Spain. I went there once with the ex. I'm happy to learn that Spain is not as dry as I thought in turntablism matters.
  12. I am almost embarrased to post this, even more about listening to the pure dopeness that you guys have managed to do. I guess you can stop worrying about coming out last since I'm obviously the bottom entrance haha. Here is my humble loop lol: https://soundcloud.com/kasbe-2/dv-jloop2 I listened to the record chopping whatever bits sounded good in Audacity, then transfered it to the MPC500 and played around a bit until I found something I liked. Added drums and that's it. I was thinking about just a simple loop to scratch too. 85 BPM since it's the tempo I'm using to learn the 2 Click Flare. Picture is an old sticker design. Maaan I really have a loooong way to walk. I don't even know how to use everything on the MPC500 let alone get close to the things I've heard in this thread. I just hope I make it to the looper on something besides the cover
  13. Queued for tomorrow morning. Both of them. Thanks for sharing! EDIT: Oh man pure fire both of them!! Couldn't start today's morning in any better mood. I'm saving the first to study it in the car and I would download the second if I could .
  14. I had similar feelings when I decided to get rid of my (small) videogame collection and sold it all away. I had spent so much time and energy into those games. I think it's normal to feel that way, you are closing a chapter of your life but you have to remember you are starting a new one. Whatever you used to do in the past helped you become what you are today. And now you are into the projects you are right now. I got rid of my videogames and left myself with only paint and turntables which is where my mind is now. I felt down in the beginning, now I'm much happier. Life is change. And I think this is a small scale version of what you are going through right now.
  15. Are you the log or the nob? I'm the back wheel of the bike.
  16. Kasbe


    Yeah Chile I understand, I mean you can apply alpha to the background once you have digitized your painting. We have to talk about that RedBubble site, I may want to start finishing stuff and putting stuff there too Post more stuff!
  17. I think this picture is small enough not to compromise my super secret identity
  18. I liked it a lot! Definitely! Totally have to apply myself on that too.
  19. Thx for the encouragement. Mixing is not my forte but I'll show my improvement in vol.2
  20. Kasbe


    Oh nice, looks good. Have you thought of changing the background to alpha so black isn't printed on top of black?
  21. As a PhD Student in Embedded Systems... I feel ya hahaha. Resistance to frustration is a must!
  22. It's not like I think it's a bad idea or anything, but now that I have turntables I see these inventions with very different eyes... Great ideas in any case!
  23. Kasbe


    Reminds me of a famous painter whose name I don't remember. Very moody 😎
  24. Another piece I did around the start of this year. Actually painted it in a trucker cap and sold it (I don't know where I put my painted cap photos but I should search for them :/ ). Totally unrelated.... here is a watercolor postcard. Never sent it for fear of losing it in the mail.
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