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Everything posted by denio

  1. btw dope tracks homie , 123 is heat
  2. naw its not that they are accoustic , they just don't fit the mood rght imo , they're too clean and crisp
  3. don't post something like beethovens 9th or some well known or too long shit like that here is a little something i like from bach http://s39.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0SSACOK...WB3N9X0DC2V1508
  4. thx , u think the accapella fits ? because when i fit i always seem to lose touch with it after i listened for the 100th time
  5. u have a good sense for atmospheric sounds that fit together , the drums on the february session don't fit imo , need something more dirty there imo , my favourite of yours is like i said in a different thread new track 12-11-05 , u should really expand on it , like looping a long sound climax , that gets thicker and thicker , then some real jazzy and raw drums hit in really slow and progress form there with sound effects , u could go crazy with this one , the drums should always be quite in the background though man i sound like nicks ;P my two cents
  6. thx for tha input , yeah i have to work on the overall feel of course, dunno i like the drum arrangement , although the drums itself dont't sound like i want them to sound
  7. i threw big l - put it on over it , the whole song this time! listen http://s56.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=18T1W9M...ZS2WRMA1IMLV889
  8. working on a beat today , last time your input really helped me so if u have any ideas on how to progress on the beat ,plz do http://s27.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2E5Q5Y5...5K06VEEN2UJNXES its a rough cut , so excuse if the sound aint' that smooth peace
  9. i knew it was u , btw my file is better than yours
  10. not my style but i love your drum programming how u make'em ?
  11. i posted a file , sup? see http://s28.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=26AW22P...4D2ATKZF889FHD5
  12. good pitch , good rythm , to much of this delay stuff going on though imo that shit sounds crazy at 00:17 worst alias ever btw
  13. of course not u could still post a file
  14. http://s28.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=26AW22P...4D2ATKZF889FHD5 prove that you're worth more time and no ricci ruckering this time
  15. ouch that hurt man u shook or what ?
  16. i produce with fruity6 , cep a midi keyboard and the ones and twos
  17. yeah the beat is hard to flow to , i just tried cutting over it here is a repost of a different electro beat of mine , quite fast but nice to cut to we could battle over this one http://s28.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1MYFHMZ...EP193G7YNTDGSOH
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