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Everything posted by reogeo

  1. They could be fake, there's some real good fakes out there. The high ticket price for the originals makes it worth while producing a high quality fake. You can probably buy these direct via dhgate.com, just find a seller selling something similar and send an email asking for more detailed pictures. Whilst you wont see branded stuff on the site you will in the more detailed pictures
  2. I started with rugs but always found static to be a huge problem. Been using table cloths with flying carpets for a couple years now
  3. Holy crap,, I've only just started building up some level of structure in my scratching using the AABB concept and I thought that was powerful for my needs... This is good stuff
  4. That sounds sik!! I've just started working on a 7 note combo, OG to 1 click orbit. It would sound cool to mix up the chirps and orbits to keep the same rhythm going but flip the sound even more.... Lolo 10 more years and ill have the skillz to try
  5. Yo yo reogeo here, DJ in training.... Always loved the scratch but only got a set of decks and a good mixer a year ago after watching Scratch on the tube. Been putting in an hour or two every day since,,, hopefully in another ten years ill be able to put DJ in front of my name lol
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