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Everything posted by Pich

  1. Thanks again for your advise everyone :-) I've been practicing tonight but it wasn't a good practice lol, I did work on those forwards tho and see what you mean about working on the simple things, I practiced the march scratch too or the military and thats a nice simple combo which you can mix up a bit to get done nice sounds, hopefully il be snowed in tomorrow and get some more practicing in :-)
  2. I wish I could come man I'd love that, ent nothing like that round yer which is a shame really, Yeh I watched all them they helped me a lot along with some other people on youtube which been pretty helpful, yeh thats one thing that I always want to know more about, the way he scratchs seems really good I keep comparing my scratchs to his and the way he does it is so different, obviously I won't ever be like that but what is it that defines his style? he does seem take his hand off the record.. everything looks so fluid? I know that hes a master at it but theres something about his style I can't work out, like I release the record a lot when I scratch but I looks like he dont? this probley dont make sence to you so I'll stop babbling lol
  3. Yeh I am finding it really hard and sometimes think whats the point coz I'm not getting anywhere but then something comes together and I think to myself.. ahhh nice! I am finding it really exciting especially fiquring the whole scratch thing out. I'm from a little place in the woods in gloucestershire, what about yourself boss? lol I know I find his vids too long winded and this whole scratch notation thing.. I don't think thats a method all be using to learn, looks like you need a degree in music just to start lol
  4. Wow thanks a lot boss, you've given a lot of stuff to go with there and I think youre defo right I need to go back to basics and forget all these fancy techniques till I've got down the simpler ones, I'll be taking on board all that you said man thanks for your advise, its so gay when none of your mates are into scratchin coz youve only got yourself to learn from really and the net and although its a really big help like this site is, I bet its way better cutting with friends and bouncing ideas of eachother.
  5. Thanks for the welcom, I haven't been practicing for long I started in june and have just been working on getting the different scratch techniques down the working on speed, the hardest part for me tho comes when I'm freestyling and trying to link all the techniques I've learnt while having a good flow and keeping everything in time, which sometimes can be frustrating lol but when I keep at it sometimes things start to click and the rewards are well worth it, thanks for all your help I'll check out those boomflares when I get back. I'm not sure if I'm actually doing the aquaman now then coz I don't think its the same as you described.. I found a vid on youtube from that german man and he showed it to be.. starts with open fader/record forward close fader/transform or stab moving record back/drag moving record forward. then mirror it back. maybe this isn't the aquaman lol sorry guys. one other thing.. does anyone have any tips for getting out of a rut? lately I've been finding I keep going the same old thing and the same old patterns, I guess I just gota keep at it untill things hopefully click
  6. Hi I'm new to this site as I've mainly been on scratch lounge but I can already tell this site seems a lot more informative :-) I've recently learnt the aquaman and I really love the scratch it has a really good flow once you get into it but now I'm looking to take it futher and add some other scratchs to it, I know I should probley learn and explore myself which I have but I was just looking for some advice or guidence on where to go with it, like what is the best to go in or out of it and stuff pitch changes, I've tried things like 2 click forward then half a aquaman back and similar patterns, There is a german guy on youtube but his vids don't seem to have any sound which suck Anyway thanks for any help thats given
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