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Pub Tropicana

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Everything posted by Pub Tropicana

  1. Hi goldielocksnthethreebrares. Can you send these records to prisons? I'm just asking. What a trial.
  2. hi ubP Sav here! please don't repeat any of what i told you above. It will be our secret just me and you
  3. Hi sav, Pub here. I used one to murder my wife! Only kidding. It was my son.
  4. Hi Frost Hub Pere. DO NOT GLUE ANY OF IT TOGETHER! Then if a big lorry goes past you'll get the vibration from the lorry! You need it to be able to dampen ground vibrations.
  5. Hi supacuts, Pub again, Don't listen to these two. Making a table by balancing a board on "legs" made of stacks of records is a winning idea.
  6. hi supacuts, PUB EHRE. Great ideas always have "haters" like Jimmy. Go for it. You're a maverick. It will definitely be stable.
  7. Matt did that BASTARD doppelkorn ever send you your prize?
  8. LOLZ Pub, you need to do a ma$ters in linguists to improve your sentences I think! Hehe Hi WAsk on pUB hERE My arch enemy doppelkorn is doing one. He's having trouble with the stats because he's not very intelligent, IMO.
  9. Hi gang. Pub here. In the first two minutes of that video, is that what's hi face in the grey hoodie?
  10. hi DV, PUB HERE I both sides have a point. I know Steve was fishing for a discussion with the OP (and it worked so fair play) but for personally I'd rather see a DJ with limited skills break out great records, dropped at the right time, showing a good knowledge of music than a DJ with ridiculous scratching and juggling skills chop seven shades out of a played out or plain rubbish tune. That was a long sentence. It's like cooking: I'd rather be served quality ingredients, prepared in a simple way than be served over-fancified rubbish.
  11. Just as I was thinking your writing style was somewhat familiar... can't think where from though. You weren't ever in Buffy were you? hi rock, Queen of DV Pub here. I was not in Buffy the main series but an old boyfriend did once pull a beastly trick on me and videotaped us doing allsorts, then sent the videos to a man on the internet who put them online so...you might know me from those gifs.
  12. Didn't it come out about a year ago that it was real and someone else had a copy? Jrocc claims you can make your own by panning the track hard left and hard right at the same time or soemthing
  13. Those flat peak caps are uniform for every fucking rinky-dink Eurotrash tourist teenager in the West End. Ooh fuck the mask slipped a bit there
  14. hi wax on yacht cock Pub here. I'm a big fan of your work. Have a great August bank holiday. Pub
  15. hi steve, Pub here. What is EDM exactly? Is it the new name for Euro-house? Like what Eiffel65 used to do. Some wank rapper covered "blue" by them recently. I heard it in a shop. All the best to you and yours this yule. Pub
  16. hi d00ban, Pub speaking. What was the 33/45 debacle?
  17. hi gang, Pub here. Looks like pekker's already been featured on that site
  18. Hi boys and girls, Pub Trop here! SOrry I've not been about much. I've been working all hours god (PBUH) sends to pay off some debts and fines I've incurred over tha past couple of months, If it wern't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all hehe! neway I paid this guy in france quite a bit of money to help me work out a routine but so far hes not sent me the files. he promised to send them be4 easter but hes not replying to my texts. im sure hes just busy. if u read this le jad hi and thanks again for your help - looking forward to getting the final files send over by the end of the week. all the best take care god bless pub
  19. Hi gang! sorry ive not been on here much. i Just got out of Feltham but its really sad because i was stitched up by someone i trusted very deeply. i listened to this mix and boy oh boy there's some great stuff but i have to give my vote to doppelkorn. good luck god bless Pub.
  20. Yeah, it's not like pekked to call people out then lose to them.
  21. oh OK. I don't reallly but that's good advice Thanks man
  22. Replace CARTS every 6 months or needles?
  23. sorry not the needles just the sort of nubs where the headhsell meets the tonearm. just a little kiss.
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