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Everything posted by scottie(the)goonie

  1. ^ The 1st broadcast from the moon was better quality than that lol.
  2. Dopp and me already posted mate No, I said the BIG guns.
  3. I think the big guns aren't going to post till the 26th right? Is Steve gonna submit one?
  4. My entry . observe the arm flailing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFNE_yLE-14&feature=plcp&context=C3809f62UDOEgsToPDskKrAhKewTZbHa5lTZytxUD2
  5. Word. All the motivation I need to walk two steps and hit "record".
  6. fuck it, I'm down ... as long as we agree on a dealine
  7. Word, ok so you're more in favour of more criteria I see. What do you mean by "articulation" exactly, and how would Style and Overall flow differ (they seem like they could kind of overlap)? Articulation (although it might not have the same meaning on different continents) is cleanliness of execution Style is completely subjective - it's your personal touch on the same techniques. It could also mean your style of scratching in general (simple and varied vs. technique heavy and fast) Flow has more to do with longevity from start to finish. If you're being very repetitive, or trying to "force" techniques or have bad timing overall, then you lack flow. Maybe there's a better word for it. Technique is self explanatory. I think this type of judging would work well if other scratchheads are judging.
  8. Technique, Articulation, Style, Overall Flow. 1 to 5 points each, best out of 20 points.
  9. Thanks I think I'm just going to try the easy method and record inst/scratch/video/ together and just time the phrases for every 8 or 16 bars. I've tried using a metronome, but it doesn't give me the "feeling" I get when I have a beat that I like.
  10. Not so much drumset, but playing something like marching snare teaches you (and taught me) "rudimentary" concepts that begin at the most basic level - you only have two sticks and one drum, everything is based off of a single or double stroke. Things like dynamics, syncopation, inversion, and multiple stickings to achieve the same sound (style). When I apply that type of thinking to scratches it keeps me from being stale. This might sound like gibberish to non-drummers but certain drum rudiments can be directly related to scratches, and that made it easier for me. ie. paradiddle stick pattern: (R-L-R-R-L-R-L-L) vs. autobahn record hand (F-B-F-F-B-F-B-B). It's the same for Flams vs. Rubs, Heritas/Triplets vs Boomerangs... To answer the OP - I think it has to do with the turntablists we see around in our own generations, we just mimic their style for good or worse because there are no set standards to begin with. In contrast, ALL drumline snare drummers are taught the same 26-40 rudiments and it is pretty much universal.
  11. The Flashformer! I remembering seeing this a while back. This thing looks like it could be made by a broke electronic engineering student (me). Maybe stick it in an old SL1 box..
  12. Ahh I see. I was making it harder than really it is. It guess the editing gave me the impression that it was seamless 1 instrumental track. Thanks I get how it could be done with two mixers - how could this be done using send/return (if that's what you're referring to) ?
  13. I want to make a scratch video with the best licks taken out (a phrase a time), from separate recordings - over one single instrumental track. A good example of this would be Kurteek's Keeping Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arcwkG3sx5E As far as I understand, the only way this is possible is to record my scratch audio (deck 1 only), by itself, with the instrumental playing separately in my ear through headphones w/ the deck 1 Y-routed to my earphone somehow as well - so that only the scratch audio is recorded on my mixer's record out. Then it's just a matter of lining up multiple audio and multiple video clips, but they would all be in N'SYNC with the original instrumental. Is there a better way to do this? fyi - I'm have two different cameras, a Logitech c910 and a GoPro HD Hero. I use audacity to record, and I don't have much as far as video editing.
  14. I like how the instruments in the kut class beat beat die out leaving you with beats and spaces. it also swings
  15. I've seen two of my buddies ttx1's fry themselves to death. I've never seen it happen with TT500's
  16. Waddup dv? Sigma brought me here because I was whining about the lack of turntablism on other dj forums (as well as the death of djforums). After browsing the threads here I can say 3 things: 1. Why the hell did I not know about this place earlier? 90% of the scratch videos I've taken notes from are from 100% of the tablists on this forum. 2. I thought I was a scratch nerd who thought too hard and knew a thing or two about the cut, but now I realize that I know absolutely nothing. 3. The US is far behind when it comes to turntablism than you folks across the Atlantic...I wish it wasn't that way We have open sessions/battles (scratchpad) around Los Angeles/Hollywood and San Diego, and most of the scratch heads up here know each other - but very few of them compete on a worldwide level like you guys do over here. I guess we don't take it as seriously anymore. Anyways, looks like I can learn a few things and maybe and hand your asses to you one of these days. Peace
  17. I like what you're doing. Symbology and abstraction is only going to help turntablism in the long run... I feel like the answer to good transcription is somewhere between traditional notation and ttm - if only we could all agree on one way to notate.
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