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Everything posted by Darcyd

  1. Wicked. Looking forward to the video link.
  2. I try and bust these loopy scratch track videos fairly regularly now, so I'll just drop them into this thread as I make them instead of the new topic each time. This one has nothing super special in it, I'm continuing to use a few of my standard looping/workflow techniques to create a track.
  3. I miss those as well, possibly to the point of re-instating something similar!
  4. Yeah. I met a guy with a CNC router table who said they were not very hard to sculpt that way.
  5. I was given a microphone recently. Here's me putting it to good use. I stole my 3 year old's Fisher Price turntable for this video. I manage to turn off the Roland PK-5A while recording the last melody, but it works out fine in the end.
  6. Yeah, the original audio had a ton of static. I used the "noise reduction" effect in "Audacity" to analyse and then remove the static, but portions of the audio frequencies I want to keep get removed along with what I want to get rid of. It was my first time messing with it, so hopefully I'll be able to fine tune the process for better results.
  7. We just moved house, and I won big in the game of "Win a turntable room". Put a video together earlier today to get back into the swing of things. After struggling to capture quality audio with this set up, I finally tried to remove static from the audio with Audacity, with a decent level of success. Anyway, scratch + looping + effects.
  8. I'm using a Roland PK5A to control the PDX-3000. PK5A is a fricken tank, really good build and super fun to use.
  9. Man. That mini rig with the QFO looks dope. Looking forward to seeing some video!
  10. Super real. Put ya money in da box! width="400" height="400" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true">
  11. This was fun to record. I mapped the 3rd effect bank of Traktor to knobs and buttons that I wasn't using on my Z2 and put together random melodies using looping and effects with tones. A few messy spots overall, but a good example of what I'm sounding like when I have a play these days.
  12. I've just landed in Canada and gotten my gear set up. Here's what that sounds like.......
  13. Had fun looping this up. Ramp delay is particularly spectacular when slowed down. Beat slicer effect is really great too, as it acts as a sampler of sorts.
  14. That idea is slowly brewing on the back burner. Thanks for the props man.
  15. Dope. Looking forward to a bigger snippet.
  16. I found this on my laptop while having a dig on the hard drive today. Some of the ideas got recycled into other videos I've done since. Underground Hip Hop.
  17. This is what I'm playing around with at the moment. Backspins galore.
  18. Thank man, If I get stuck I'll hit you up on it. I'll start with trying to go through the basics and see if I can figure it out. Level of complicated seems to be more than making a grill cheese, and less than building a rocket.
  19. Bam! Thanks man, I'll give it a try.
  20. The clock is sending fine, as there is a visual image of the synth arp that I am trying to slave that shows it's BPM is in sync to the Traktor master clock. It's something else that I'm missing. I had a play with my computer's Audio Midi Setup and tried different set-ups to see why the signal is not going back. One possible scenario is that it requires a VST plugin, as the synth tones being used by the sythn arp might not work when I'm using it as a slave, I might need to assign a VST plugin to it (which I've tried without success). I've made most of that up as I'm on page 2 of the how to do shit with Midi book, but I'll keep at it and keep trying to talk to humans who know what they doing. The clock syncs to the deck, and also syncs to the arp as I can visually see, it just won't play the audio. I'll try a different software synth tomorrow and see if I have any more success.
  21. I'm using the Traktor master tempo to send a midi clock signal (I've mapped the send function to the Z2) back to the same computer that is running Traktor. Using synth software and arpeggiators with a midi clock is very new to me, I've downloaded one of the first freebees that is Mac compatible that I could find (Hypercyclic). I managed to set it up so the midi clock signal is sending and linked up to the software synth arpeggiator (when i adjust the master tempo in Traktor, it adjusts on the software sythn as well). The problem I'm having is I'm not getting the audio of the software synth as soon as I switch over to virtual output as a midi in. The signal getting sent, just not getting played back. It's the first attempt at trying to clock stuff up, I don't have any hardware I can do it with, so I'm giving it a try with software. If you have any suggestions to give me on getting a midi clock signal functioning with a software synth, please let me know and I'll give it a try. I'll keep having a play, I'm certain I just have something set incorrectly as It's all quite new to me.
  22. Some more of me sampling, chopping, scratching and arranging it all into a track. Building this track was good fun, the bigger portion of work went into arranging and doing my version of mastering to try and get the levels of the tracks right. I'm very much enjoying the whole process and will keep at it.
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