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Everything posted by gutter

  1. lookin for some uk hip-hop. anyone got the hook up with mp3s? lemme know, can be any artist etc..
  2. i got some sewerslime promo cards made up.. anyone want to pass them out at this upcoming show? hit me up: djgutter@djgutter.net
  3. http://www.myspace.com/djgutter
  4. are these flares considered fast? http://www.djgutter.net/media/quadFlare-Gutter.mp3 before you even ask, i will answer for you: - no, they are not sped up in any program - yes, they are just 1/1 flares done fast - no, i cannot do them past like 15-20 secs before i fug up... - yes, i can do them live, have done them live and can do it again. but honestly, i dont do them much because they dont sound that dope in with music. anyway..................
  5. sorry just found this thread now. all i am doing is helping the twinz out with spreading the word about their record pool is it honest? yep, do they go out of their way to help you? yep..... for international orders, its a total of like $125 us a month. and they ship you one shipment at the end of every month, so you get both of your shipments in one package. is it worth while? i dont know, its up for you to decide. go take a look at the different records/cds you get each month and then make a decision if its right for you. i havent found any other pool that is that cheap and still gives decent music. but again, its up to you. do you have record pools overseas? how do they compare in price to this one? i dont think you are gonna find another one in the u.s. that offers shipping overseas for the price the wondertwinz offer. if you decide to sign up, please put in the comments: referred by dj gutter and if you could, email me afterwards. if you have any further questions, lemme know. G
  6. theres a really good reason for the white labels dropping so quickly.... they suck !!!!!! at least for any type of skratchin etc... but dont take my word for it... im just a sucka dj. will stick with my 447sssssssssssss
  7. thats a crazy ass list, damn! haych... can you PM me so we can work somethin out? thanks, ggggggggggggg
  8. oh man.. that would be dope.. im always open to new sheet.. hit me in PM dee.... G
  9. ooooooooooooo love me some chips !!!! anyone got any salsa?
  10. never tried those together!! need to try that with some hot sauce
  11. i have both of these progs, adobe audition 1.5 and cubase sx 2.0.1 been using audition since it was cool edit, about 4-5 years now.. what is everyone using here? (minus pro tools) also, does cubase allow a lot of filters to be added in? i havent had much luck with adobe... any information would be greatly appreciated. **on a side note, anyone got any mastering tips for audio or links to good material?
  12. im looking to pick this up soon.. does it also incorporate recording as well? i have so much old school on mp3 that i cant wait to drop it into serato and tear shit up!!! gyeah!
  13. how can i cop some or all of this stuff? i know its a lot, but im willing to take some time to get it all.. if you guys can sort some stuff out and lemme know, i would be forever grateful !! lemme know !!!!!
  14. whichever is easier for you.. i dont mind paying for shipping|handling etc...
  15. sigma, do you have any of them online for dl? danx, G
  16. do you have any of those mixes online for DL ? or on cd for purchase? i would be interested in some.... if you have aim, hit me up: gtypeskratch
  17. i would have to remix them as i dont have the original tapes. i sit and think about the original tapes and the things i used to do.. haha some stupid, some good.. i still remember when i mixed U2s the streets have no name or something like that with run dmcs beats to the rhymes beat and when it was played at the high schools local function, people went nuts.. ah the good ol days of experimental mixing!!! anyway, i would love to revisit the old school and bring what skills i have now to the table and see what i can come up with....... do you guys have any old school tapes from back in the day? joe cooley? jazzy jeff?
  18. being that i started dj'ing at a time when mixtapes were used a tool for the dj to listen to himself and then learn from whatever he did on it and take the good pieces over to his style or next mixtape. its hard to understand the concepts that go into the tapes made today..... nowadays its djs pumping out bullshit and thinking that putting EXCLUSIVE on every fuggin song will make people want to buy it that much more. i also hate to hear a drop on EVERY damn song.......... i dont need to hear... deeeeejayyyyyy waxmyass ..... hes doin his thannnnnggggg i know who the fug it is, i just bought the damn mixtape! ha, as you can tell im a little heated when it comes to the mixtape scene. its a far cry from 1986, when i started dropping cassette tapes for myself and my friends. back then, you mixed songs because there werent many other djs around doin it. anyway, i hope to bring new life back to this whole thing. at least for myself and friends.. as long as i stay true to what i believe is dope, then thats all that matters.
  19. 2ndhand, if you are looking for slipmats that you can mix, skratch(with the right slickness) and juggle without having to change back and forth, then i would suggest picking up a pair of my slipmats. this isnt from my mouth, its from the djs that have used them. they all have said that they are the perfect blend for mixing, juggles, skratching etc... so give it a try, if you dont like them you can always throw them at the neighbors dog that wont stop barking late in the night !!! easy, Gutter
  20. just go through www.startlogic.com they are the easiest to setup any type of .asp site... use the windows logic plan that way it supports .asp code. also, lemme know after (if) you get it and i can go through and show you how to setup a very easy .asp portal that is free, the one on my site... very easy to maintain and as you see, you can change the schemes easy with just the click of a button. werd, G
  21. So what do you guys look for in a quality mixtape? Since I decided to jump back into the mixtape scene, I want your suggestions. Keep in mind that I dont plan on yelling over the music nor do I plan on actin like im some bling bling dj! Im from the old school and you know how old school djs do it!! Sound quality? mixing skills, skratching, choice of music .???????? Post up your thoughts !
  22. yeah i dont mind it, but im sure there is something out there a little easier to use and a lot better features.. guess im just tired of messin with adobe audition now for like 4 years..bleh..
  23. i have been using adobe audition 1.5 for a bit, but honestly i know there could be better. any suggestions on another piece of software that doesnt require hardware with it to use? lookin for somethin that you can add a lot of filters | add-ons too. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Gutter - www.djgutter.net
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