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Posts posted by Barnstormer

  1. hey dee, i played with matt and vertabrae last weekend man, fuckin nice set they have. For the heads tho innit, there was kids there, all lookin like dizzy rascal, with proper vacant looks on their faces when vertabrae played, yet when the next crew were on, some aggy 12 year olds pissed off with homework or something, going out militant about it, it was bare blups and hands in the air. Me and matt were LOL'ing the whole night.

  2. Right  jamie get something up when you're ready.


    Good to hear from ye again.





    Yeh hahah i aint gonna be ready tho, i hate scratching at the mo, i aint been feelin it for about 6 months, unless of course i'm drunk. I may have a cut at the arc bar later with quest, depends how drunk i am tho. The drunker the better if u ask me. I find it funny tho that i only like scratching when i'm drunk, when i'm straight, if it aint on a marvin/stevie level i aint on it ya know?




  3. Sup ryan? Nah no new cuts recorded man, scratchings shit anyway. Mostly I are been makin beats. I aint online still tho, i'm at quests at the mo, hence the net access. Ima probably record some cuts soon tho, i can't wait it'll be like starting over again ha.


    Dee's right tho, I can listen to cuts for a day provided the dj is good.




    Peace amigo.

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