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Posts posted by Barnstormer

  1. Liam mate, i did'nt take your comment personally at all, hence why i replied on the jokes, "fuk u ratfink" = jokes mate. But you should post something up man, as drakule said record it to MD and then up it from there or something?


    LOL @ drakule.


    Chris... Thanks man, peace.

  2. I don't mean to sound rude, honestly, but it seems that DJ's are spoon-fed these days, especially with stuff like Q-Bert's DIY, etc. Back when I was starting out there was no video's, or very few, and they never explained "advanced" techniques such as flares. Take a look at something like Turntable Wizardry Volume 1 (if you can find it) and you'll see Q and all those guys doing much more advanced techniques and scratches in their individual showcases than they were explaining in the tutorial sections. Nevertheless, this forced me to really try and work stuff out, and at the end of the day I'm glad it worked out like that. I was forced to get the basics solid, such as chirps, transformers, tears, stabs, etc -- the stuff that all combo's are built on. Now with the Internet becoming huge and easily accessible to most people, plus video's of top scratch DJ's sharing their knowledge, many people appear to have have lost the ability to build a solid foundation, and most importantly, their own style. Why are so many DJ's sounding the same these days? They all wanna sound like D-Styles, mainly. Even Q-Bert! Why? Probably because he has style!


    Seriously though, let's not turn scratching into fast food. If we avoid breaking down signature cuts, and keep trying to work things out by ourselves, we encourage creativity, and through this new things are born. It's fair enough being influenced by something, but try to express that influence in your own way. The crab was inspired by the twiddle, which was inspired by the 2-click flare orbit. The story behind that is Q-Bert was watching DJ Excel do the twiddle scratch, and from there he expanded on it and added two extra fingers, which then became the crab scratch. The reason why Excel came up with the twiddle is because he thought that's how the 2-click orbit was being done, so through trying in our own ways to break something down without being spoon-fed we come up with new techniques, and those unique techniques become part of your style, your signature sound.




    Word to that!

  3. i only get pissed off with ppl saying that liam when they r using it as an excuse if someone slates it....unlike when i write that sort of stuff i would be pissed and post it up without reviewing the track



    I wrote it cos it was true. I made it drunk, and it was'nt serious, however i thought fuck it i'll post it up anyway. No point in lying and saying "this is amazing" when it clearly isnt.

  4. Had a few to drink and made this, nothing serious


    This is a pet hate of mine.


    "I was soo drunk when I did this"


    "Nothing serious just a few cuts"


    "My hands were too sweaty so my rubs are shit"


    "I was sooooo high"


    etc. etc. etc.


    If it's good enough to post then have some FAITH in your work.


    And by the way BEE, you should definately have more confidence in your work. Whilst I'm not going to pretend that your file blew my socks off or flipped my wig, it's definately good solid work that I don't think anyone could find much fault with. Top shit!


    A little boost to the gain on the cuts wouldn't have hurt, it'd be nice to hear them a little clearer.


    I really ought to get around to posting something this summer, but it's been ages since my 'tables were near my computer, plus every time I record something, I feel like I could do that little bit better, so do it again and again and again -it's NEVER perfect!


    Ah well



    Fuk u ratfink.


    My next file is gonna be called "SUPER DOPE AMAZIN CAN'T FUCK WITH ME DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? CUT FILE" That better liam? lol

  5. dunno why ppl are sleepin on this


    LOL cos i posted it mate. Cheers for the listen man.


    Steve the beat is "dark lady" remixed by damien harris, it's on a ninja tune 12 inch, like i said i would'nt normally cut over it, ut was bored of everything else. I'll post a file later maybe over a "regular" beat.


    Ryan.. Respectamondo bredrino as always, you got any new sick files on the up?


    ressistance..cheers for the listen man.



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