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Everything posted by Vet

  1. After seeing highlights for a while now from the different CSG's and SSS's you guys have going on I am officially jealous and need to attend this amazing gathering before I die.
  2. Ugh. I wish he'd start selling these already! TAKE MY DAMN MONEY ALREADY!
  3. From experience I'd say DEFINITELY start from a pre set base track. At least you can delete a layer if you mess up. Saves stress and time!
  4. I woulda thought Easy Mo Bee would be there too...these lists are always a bit iffy tho.
  5. It's cute that the 6th best x-men member is calling himself a legend.
  6. Frank Dukes is from Toronto and has been producing some pretty huge records. He's been working with the same guys who produced Charles Bradley's albums and started Kingsway music to license samples he created with the intent of affordable clearance rates for sample based producers. He's also a battle head from back in the day...super talented and humble guy.
  7. Jam Burglar is really on point with everything he's been saying. Like I been saying if you diss Ric and deny the impact the guy has had in so many ways you are denying the true history of the advancement of scratching. Having said that...anyone who was on TTNN back in the day have the audio of the Turbo Scratch I revealed on the boards back then? P.s. personalitiy asides, I wish more people were as progressive as Ric has been...it really feels as tho a lot of the 'scene' has really got stuck on old styles and very few have pushed boundaries....why is that?
  8. Thanks Jam! I should post the original full version I did for a compilation back in 08...just have to dig it up from the archives.
  9. I'll throw my own hat in the ring...why not. Still working on new and more dynamic stuff that may/may not ever see the light of day but yeah....this is one of the rarest arts there is IMO...very few doing ALL scratched and even fewer doing it to the level that its actually listenable/good. I applaud anyone who can do it and do it well...takes a lot of work!
  10. Thanks guys, really appreciate the kind comments. Respect!
  11. Haven't posted anything in a while....or really cut much lately but here's a longer file than normal from a scratch break the other day. Hope you enjoy!
  12. I've used almost every Boss Loopstation except the rc-2 and can say by far the Boss RC-505 is the BEST one available and not much more than any of the other models (i.e. rc-50 etc). The best part about the 505 is (for me) I can control rec/stop via my feet with ONE pedal and the rest can be done via hands beside your deck...things such as volume/panning/efx...its also WAY easier to read where you are in a loop beat/bar wise and because it is a desktop looper so to speak you aren't dancing around like a idiot while just trying to make music. - V
  13. Not to be a dick for saying this and I'm sure no harm is meant by those asking...but its not really cool to ask how/why someone passed.....if the fam wanna say then its up to them but generally its kinda not respectful to ask IMO. Ultimately it makes no diff how/why...its tragic regardless. - V
  14. Vet understands The whole thing is like a missing sketch from a lost GFK album....I would fully buy this if it was a song. hahahahah. Pure gold.
  15. Ghosts reply....warranted or not....was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in a while....BE REEEEEEEEEEEEEALLLLLLLLL....hahahaha. p.s. Chubb Rock IS better than Pac....
  16. Uhhhh.....I think I'd sooner support independent releases from the guys from this board than plunk down $50 for average scratch music that's years old. Awful video too....why would I want 'lost' or stuff that was worth 'deleting'....try again Rob.
  17. www.vimeo.com/128706878 - Great looper man, I'll just put this here instead hah.
  18. Nice work man....clean and sounded great with a less obvious choice of song to juggle....keep it up!
  19. Oh so we're just talking "ahhh & fresh" type of stuff? Yeah I hear you....I find most people still don't scratch expressive enough for my tastes so I'm kinda with you on that....and ditto for the Chile comment! I rate him for sure.
  20. Uh....how did Vekked lose that? That's battles for ya I guess...:/
  21. Been working on more music lately and decided to really do more in 2015...here's a little sample of some new(old) stuff. More to come in the new year....enjoy!
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