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Humphrey Fiddlefinger

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About Humphrey Fiddlefinger

  • Birthday 03/13/1985

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. This will be good! It won't just be triggering samples but actually manipulate the audio. Mix Master Mike is creative/technical consultant so I have faith. Online dj battles and a recording studio mode plus you get awarded points for creativity not just repeating commands(unlike guitar queer-o). Even if the game is shit it will be a cheap turntable controller that I'm sure could be used with other music software (I hope; I can't find any details as to how it communicates with the console). DJ Hero will be wack as its supposedly just mixing.
  2. Nice. Very atmospheric and I really like the drums.
  3. Or fade out each one, that might work? Now go and leave me some feedback ("scratch beat" thread)
  4. Nah, no vids (yet). I need to get a camera first. Check out my first track tho.

  5. Made this last night Finger Funk 1 You might have to wait a few minutes for it to play properly if you stream it (or maybe it's just my connection). This is my first attempt at sharing music on the net so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. That's some serious head-nodding isht. Good work . The only criticism I've got is the vocal snippits at the end sound as if they've been cut short.
  7. its the fader man. sorry it was done on a mobile phone so the quality is bad! thanx for the props tho oyu got a film up?

  8. Anyone used one? What are the sampler/effects like?I'm very tempted by the idea of sampling/remixing live.
  9. Damn. What's the cheapest way to get to Brighton from Swansea? I really want to come to this.
  10. Phat scratches man! Is that your fader clicking or is it on the beat? Sounds crazy.

  11. sampling Says that Wu-Tang gave up 100% royalties to be the first to sample the Beatles. With break records you can't get done if it's just a drum break, most drums have no harmonic structure so it's almost impossible to prove that it's the same. It also says in that article that there's a fair use law in the U.S. so maybe that protects all the really short samples. And only skipless scratch records tend to have any sort of rhythm so since it's not really music it doesn't resemble the original.
  12. Apparently not. I read a article in some hiphop magazine that people are dying from cough syrup overdoses and rappers are getting blamed for popularizing it in songs. I don't listen to much new american rap but that's what they're referring to when they say 'purple drank' (I think) which is confusing because 'dank' is slang for good weed in U.S. Anyone else heard of this or is it just scaremongering by the media?
  13. Did anyone catch this tour? I saw him in Nov '06 and it was shit, insted of playing records he just played dvd's of his tracks, some of which were truely awful. It was neither a good DJ set nor a good VJ set, just a very. very expensive gimmick.
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