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Everything posted by djdj

  1. Dare I say it........mnm!?! got some nice rhymes and quick off the freestyle. However ... The "Master" MC for pure, in-yo-face, off the spot freestyle... MC Jin Check it. This guy can rap, non-stop, for hours, in rhyme, and keeping it consistant and informative. Rap as it's ment to be, Talking. Rap = Talk. Talk about what you did yesturday, what you are doing today and what you will do tommorrow. word! p.s. Kool Keith should win though! ;0)
  2. Hey ya'll, Just wanted to let you know that my new website is starting up at: http://www.capadien.com There is a lot of stuff to do in this presite version. (Flash, PHP versions to follow) There are all the shareable mp3s for a start. (With instrumentals for plenty jamming op's) http://www.capadien.com/presite/mp3.html There are beats and loops in the "loops" section. Access to a "mini" virtual studio. ;0) Very Handy. Vision - An art gallery, of sorts, and of course the "media" section. Media is a general term for all things not art or music. Interactive coding, videos, games, etc... I am really looking to get some STRONG and honest feedback from DV2. It's the one place I trust to give me a positive direction to take this project. Let me know what you think! pz! djdj a.k.a. capa'D
  3. I am listenin' to a dope old schooli WESTWOOD tape (with FUNK MASTER FLEX). ;0) Circa 1996-7. Dug out from my old tape collection. Made me feel like droppin' a rap' Sup Sup Sup Sup Sup Sup Sup Sup Like This............. Yes, yes, ya'll, get it up, get it on, get in to it, djdj set to it upon ya! Ya'll s.s.s.s.s..s.suspended in time, driven by the livin' capadien di, d, di, di, d ,d da'don, my son, what's wrong, carry on, drone moanin', filly foldin' respect, you gosta know my flow's, my equal, liquid majecstic statick, flow vynil drivel, to the dizzle, dizzy dizzy, dizzy rascal, ra ra ra respec' beveled on the edge Achieve what you percieve an i be livin on the deck's, Home cookin', do what you be lookin, shmook shmoke smokin'
  4. Cool idea! Bit sparse on the design front. It will take more than a couple a red lines and a logo. Is there any chance to sell a kind of Stick-on-cover? That way you could produce thousands of designs a a tenth of the price. Otherwise, nice to see some innovation in these here part's
  5. djdj


    It's easy to find people to jam with but hard to find someone who is committed. Bands start and five minutes down the line someone's like " sorry, can't make it Friday, my mom is having a birthday party" or some shit. Alternatively, the person you jam with is totally opposite to what you want. In this case, why bother arguing, just do what I do and say " GOODBYE!". One word solves all. time is money and time spent arguing is POINTLESS. Other times its good to get someone who does something that you do not do. for example, one of my best jamming partners only does FX and I only do the beats. This way we both get to add our own flair to the pot. have fun with it and play jamming games. We used to go on Acid / fruity and say "right you have three minutes.....GO!" Three miuntes later, it's my turn and so on. Works wonders. One thing I found here in the UK though is too much of this " I did that, It's mine, I own it, I want full prop's, I want the royalties" Too many muso's think they is more important that the music. To them I say " GOODBYE!" It's true, finding someone you can gel with is like finding a needle in a haystack. Just don't let those you can't get on with get you down...just say..... "Goodbye!" :0) and try, try again.
  6. All sounds a bit bandwagonesque. One minute you like someone and next minute you don't. Unless you got some decent shit of your own to present then your opinion ain't worth jack. o.K. The streets has done some good and bad stuff, ain't no reason to go pissin' on the guy. And all in all Dizzy Rascel and Pitman are both pretty amature right now. They only got one style between 'em. You watch, guarenteed, a couple of albums down the line and its all "Dizzy is shit, Pitman is shit" blah, blah, blah!. Hee hee!!! I LOVE DV2 .... Only place you can show real passion for music. _____ P.s. Prop's the the Villain's - real UK Hip Hop P.P.S. if you don't like it ... Don't buy it. I never bought the street album and that's for sure, but "Dry your eyes me" will still be on the duke box when we're all dead and buried. pz!
  7. What's the best deal you ever got on a piece of vine-lily? I bought a copy of Stevie Wonder's Original Mono - Down to Earth album for 10pence from a car-boot sale. It's worth over 40quid, so that's 30,000 percent profit. Luv-lee ;0) any more...
  8. FUNK- Lou Donaldson Jimmy Smith George Clinton + Parliment Funkadelic War - Galaxy Bootsy Collins Jimmy McGriff - Electric Funk Mass Production Johnny "Guitar" Watson - Real Mother for Ya' This stuff is pretty rare to find on vinyl. Some may say that a few are boarder line jazz-funk. Anyway, it's all funkin' good. +++++++++ 7" vs 12" The 12" recording is generally better quality because more info can be contained in a larger space. They are also less prone to skipping as the grooves can be furthur apart. Apart from that, 7"'s are smaller and more convenient to carry. Years back, 45's where like mini-disk. They required a smaller player for a start. Obvious, but true! :0) pz! djdj
  9. http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=4656&type=mov enjoy!
  10. By the Rivers of Babylon - Boney M
  11. http://www.triplestage.com/html_files/djdj...djdj_lyrics.htm Here are some of my older lyrics. See if you can keep up by hitting the loop button. It will only last for the length you need to complete the rap. pz~
  12. Try and add something memorable to your set, like... set your hands on fire with petrol then scratch on fire. Sounds stupid, but would look real fuckin' dope if you could actually do it. ;0) Anyway... a trick or a trademark that will set you apart. My favorite crowd winners! 1: Smash a piece of vinyl and scratch with the broken pieces The Break - http://www.triplestage.com/mov/SS_triplestage_real_DJ.mpg The Scratch - http://www.triplestage.com/mov/SS_djdj_broken.mpg 2: Scratch Blind-Folded http://www.triplestage.com/html_files/img_..._djdj_blind.htm Bit of a gimmic for sure, but the added entertainment value means you break up the monotiny of other dj scratches. Good Luck! If you win, send us one vinyl. :-) pz!
  13. Note: Celeron actually stands for "Sell Her On" I think what they do is burn out some of the performance from higher end chips. This keeps the economy booming by capturing the lower end and upper end markets with the same chip die. word!
  14. I forgot... is it good to use WD40 on my Cross-fader.... or not?
  15. Hazy Shade of Winter - Simon and Garfunkle
  16. NICE ARSE! ASS! A-i-e-ss!
  17. All you need is that 1/8th of a turn on one groove on the vinyl. Manic Search Ensues!
  18. Some of ya'll DJ's gosta listen close.... (Major Tip for Beginner DJ's) Take £5, go out NOW and head to your local charity shop / junk shop. Buy 5 of the most obscure vinyls you can find, bring them home and scratch the mo'fo' out those bastards. Put down your Argghhhh's, Lay aside your ffrrreeessshhhhhh and innovate one for the needy. The scratch revolution is there to be lived! (and we do a good turn in the meantime) pz! cap'D P.S. I post a challenge. I want to here BACK-2-BACK "Caribbean Carnival", scratch up your "Beginners guide to Welsh", Chirp the fuck out "The best of Bert Kaempfert". The best of the charity shop hits begins HERE. z!
  19. Mans World - James Brown (Note: The list was broken a couple of times due to added comments. Not that I'm trying to act like the music police but if you have an idea how to join the link, that would be very, very cool!!! Check the main list at http://www.capadien.com/wrd/ to see the breaks. Also, with 2Pac california luv being added twice, we just make it the REMIX version. Well spotted!!) Once again.... Mans World - JB pz!
  20. Silver (or should it be PLATINUM!)
  21. LONGEST DJ SET EVER - UPDATE!!! Well Done! on the list so far. We have about 78 tracks. With an average of 3mins per track this makes about 3.8 hrs of music. A fair way to go to the 80hr record, still, I recon we can do it. The important thing about this thread is that each track is relevant to the mix. Not just some dumb-ass using an iPOD with five years of tracks on it or some shit. For those who wish to see the list in a simplified text file, you can browse to http://www.capadien.com/wrd/ I will up-date every week or so. Big up respect to all the POSTERS!!! Keep up the good work!!! pz! Capa'D LAST POST - Led Zeppelin - Good times, bad times.
  22. I don't know if you saw my comments in the INVENTIONS FOR DJ's thread but It seems that it takes forums like this to get the idea's flowing. Then, for someone to take all the idea's and make something. I was pluggin' my decks into pedal's aaggeeessss ago. No new idea, but new to have it fully integrated into a kit. Keep it up Boy's! (and Girl's)...The future start's HERE! pz Capa'D
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