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Everything posted by djfoly

  1. Dont get your knickers in a twist mate there every month you cant expect every one to get involved every month....people have lives! I thought this month was awesome though so not sure why theres not too many votes!
  2. The Rapping is immense!
  3. If you are thinking of an actual reissue of a track owned by atlantic you have fucking no chance especially now. What you could do is contact them and suggest it....but if you want to make money from it you have to work for atlantic. If you want to bootleg it then you need to have contacts with a distirbutor who can get rid of them very quickly and usually means less money for you kind of like a drug deal. The only other way is if the artist owns the rights and hes up for it again you'd make close to fuck all!
  4. These genre threads need to stop!
  5. Symatic for me but like jimmy said I want this looper. Really str0Ang month!
  6. Me too mate. In particular I love playing a tune and having 10 people come over and say 'What is this tune', This is my job as a DJ to break good music to people who have never been exposed. The timing of that needs to be perfect it will be different records for each place you go!
  7. OOOOOH Shit that is nice! ^^^
  8. Heavy, the second track (Vortex?) has the best rapping by a long way!
  9. I used to have it. But my copy got rubbed out!
  10. I need to vent occasionally and this was perfect!
  11. I want to win this! I need to borrow hee haw though! Why can't we use any sentence?
  12. I think people should get off Yoshi's back! It's so typical of DV to moan constantly about nothing happening and then someone does something and you have go cause your busy on Thursday or you don't like the tone of his posts....fuck off. This section is now integral as far as I'm concerned If it is removed or moaned out I will not be fucking happy. In protest I will hereby enter every skratch comp from now on and I've got 4 kids! Dinny listen tae them Yoshi they're spoutin' pish!
  13. Nice one I need to get an external hard drive and a blank CD! Cheers Steve!
  14. That's sick because I do have my system set up how I like it! I will look into this, cheers steve!
  15. Can you explain WTF the system image is and why I should use it?
  16. Fuck sake! the man was animal...really nice cut that! RIP indeed!
  17. TTM56s By far the best mixer Ive had. I ve had it for ages and it still feels brand new. I don't use DVS or effects or buttons as you know, so I don't need anything more fancy. If I could have another mixer for the fuck of it I'd have a 07isp, loved that mixer!
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