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Everything posted by Nimrod

  1. Leeroy Jenkins would love that shit.
  2. fuckin hell that was wicked! very inspirational, i wanna go and have a cut now...
  3. yeah deffo, its got that "fast rap" style thing a gwanin. is the beat just a load of pasted loops or are they seperate drum sounds giving the impression of an old school loop? either way, sick.
  4. sick nice one man, beats tight as ever
  5. i think thats cos its a 56 dude
  6. that would be dope, i want to see this also....
  7. that actually sounds pretty dope, think i might buy one when my next student loan comes through....
  8. awesome! do the different colours mean different difficulties or is it just one speed?
  9. I got one, I had to pay £70 import tax but still worked out a load cheaper. Just need a power converter, got one from maplins for about £5 works a treat <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yep same as clown... i got my power supply off a powerseller off ebay
  10. ^^^^^a quokka^^^^^^ n.b: not actually a youngster pic of myself...
  11. lol kali i been to rotto too, its pretty cool. those quokkas (spelling?!) are funny little fuckers?
  12. gangstarr - ex girl to the next girl
  13. fabric is the only club in london i can think of where i've nearly had a fight, one of mates turned around and one of the drawstrings around his hood caught some random aggy turkish bird behind him on the cheek, she then told her boyfriend that my mate had punched her in the face!!! her boyfriend sort of started squaring up to my mate, but didnt realise there was about 10 of us......little girls face fell quicker than 2 towers when she realised that she couldnt get some poor fucker rolled over......i ask you, kids these days.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> jesus i hate that... sounds like im gonna get eaten alive when i go to london comments like "duuuude im all about the love" wont really be met with pats on backs
  14. i've had some blinding nights there, but as long as you stay as far away as possible from the Tourist'n'Chav room as possible........... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that being....?
  15. why are we so obsessed with that word "pretentious" in britain! (no diss btw) its a great night with great music, convo over, come or don't come. oh yeah and i fucking hate going to fabric, 10 hours in a black hole in the ground full of too many people - loads of attitude and no atmosphere wooooo! people staring at you if you dance, WOOOO! YAAYY FABRRIIICC <{POST_SNAPBACK}> werd to all of that lol ^^^^^ thats what i mean by pretentiousness the atmosphere is the whole point in going, as a good atmosphere = a good time surely?! if you're not having a good time then you're going to the night for the wrong reasons i hate it when people stare at you for dancing, i really do... its like "why are you here you twats? if you just feel like standing and listening then good stand and listen to the cd in your living room or something"
  16. ahhh ok, yeah thats what i meant, is it pretentious in any way? places like this and fabirc i only hear about... really hope i can study in london next year so i can go to these places lol
  17. p.s you need to turn your cuts up, and just make sure that before you post it you can honestly say "yep thats as clean as i can make those cuts" but it depends what you want everyone here to crit on though dood if you're just havin fun cuttin over a beat just say, or if you want people to crit your cleaness just say, or what people think of how technical/original/funky etc etc etc all i can say is you're 14 right? dude you got LOADS of time to get amazing, and you're not toooooooooo bad but ummm the only tip i can give off the dome right now is make sure each technique you learn, make sure you get it TIGHT before you start the next one, otherwise you're cuts will sound too confused... took me ages to get that one myself lol! but if you're having a laugh then who gives a fuck? keep on
  18. so what are the crowd like in there? are they actually safe or what?
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