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Posts posted by kut_class

  1. I didn't even know there was a ETSG 7" , but that's a shame it's got messed up. They should have got a test press and known at that point. if the tp was at 33 and the finals at 45 they could have easily sent em back..


    Anyway, whoever thought of taking existing scratch records and making a portable 7 is a genius, every scratch label seems to have jumped on the wagon :-p


    Speaking of which, has anyone managed to bag any Thud 7s ? I really wanted a Super seal 2 and would love to get the box set they are working on, but always seem to miss out / shipping is redic.

  2. yo, just an FYI , i backed and received (early 2015) the double LP with the built in midi controller. It looks like Thud delivered on everything apart from the puzzle piece rewards (?) ... kinda dumb that they gave lowest priority to the highest backers and even more frustrating i bet to see that they have moved on to other projects while this still needs to be completed... they should at least send you the items that are available. steve - you should ask for the LP , if they dont have that to send then your reward will never be fulfilled anyway..


    Thinking about it, the puzzzle peice concept was always pretty ambitious, not making the record, but the concept of the treasure hunt and associated app and unlocking hidden songs .. i was really tempted to back it to, but just thought that someone without the kickstarter piece could buy the released "hidden" pieces and jack the price so high you never stand a chance of completing the puzzle ..

  3. There has been talk of secret scratch Santa if anyone is interested .... the premise is ...


    wrap up an old scratch record (not too beat up) , put it in "santa's sack" , pull out a different record. Essentially blindfold swapsies.


    If you guys wanna do this, would be good to know and i'll get it organised ....

    • Like 1
  4. https://www.facebook.com/events/532192556930724/


    Phil and Ed have got on it and have found a venue in Ashford for the Christmas SSS !


    As well as the usual session, there will be a Christmas Pizza @ £5 (sadly it won't be quiet the mum beating Xmas spread from last year - but i've been assured the pizzas are the bomb) and some attempt to make it look vaguely Christmas'y...


    Hope you all can make it down for the last one of the year !!!



    Facebook blurb ....


    For the last Super Scratch Sunday of the year we head to Ashford on Sunday 13th December (12 - 7) for the Crimbo cut session !

    Come join us for the usual scratch jam, xmas munch and vibes.

    Full Address :
    12 Norwood Street,
    TN23 1QU


    • Like 1
  5. Cheers for clearing that one up Paul :-) As mfsop pointed out , it works cause pressing down your mouse stops the beat and releasing the mouse plays the beat, so releasing away from button will act as a stop. My bad as i thought everyone kinda knew this trick and I was struggling to keep the aesthetic of the looper as uncluttered as possible.

    • Like 1
  6. Yo. Gonna assume no one else is interested and gonna place the order today..

    (If u replied to the fb post consider yourself included already)


    Phil - I'll let u know rough delivery date. When the records arrive, I'll be in touch for payment and delivery (if neeeded).

  7. ahh i thought you meant the 12" dirk .... you're right, the 7's not out until Dec 1st.


    Yeah pretty sick that Craze turned up at a skratcher event and also that he promo'd the record.


    What do you think of Chicken scratch Dirk ? I had a play with a TP and from what i remember they had everything lined up and i think it was ultra pitched. Are there any beats on it ?

  8. Always a fun cutbumming Paul :-) Good work mate doing the edits ! It's cool how the vid captured how we played with stuff, scratching over mixing, tone scratching band stuff and the interplay cuts :-) also leaving the camera rolling is good for getting over nerves and capturing those magic moments/mistakes :-) also really good for review purpose. Super happy to see how my record hand moves as I've been working on that a ton , also spotted sloppy shit to tidy up :-)

  9. super interested in getting a loopstation .. to be honest i'm a bit confused about the differences between the Rc 20, 20XL and 30 , does anyone know ? Probably could do with a straight up recommendation from someone that has one of those units - i'm looking to do live looping and be able to save/recall the session (i guess 20 would be enough for a set and play space), it has to loop perfectly ( no weird gaps of silence in playback/record) have overdub / undo and would be nice to have 2 channels ...

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