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Everything posted by dextrous

  1. He's sicko. Anyone got his skratchcon appearence to hand? I'm in a bad mood and need cheering up.
  2. Aubergine = Egg plant Courgette = Zuchinni Chicory = errrr chicory?
  3. Quoted for truth. Did you nick that off Matman at all? I did. Years ago. and I still do that one and love it.
  4. Post a file. Ps what was up with the knee high tables?
  5. Big up Woody for rocking a traditional lancashire flat cap though.
  6. Looks like a 49mm to me. Take it to a camera shop and they'll find you one to fit. Lenses are standard sizes so you can use filters across different brands. You could even fit a filter you don't use for anything to protect the lens.
  7. Adjust your realtime (RT) settings mate. You might get some playback slowdown over any effects or transitions you haven't rendered but it's better than fucking up your workflow rendering every 2 mins. If you've got plenty of ram (2gig+) just set to unlimited RT.
  8. or is this love by whitesnake. My days working for a mobile disco mean I really do know more about the power ballad genre that I ought to I think.
  9. Yes. In fact I think November rain is in the dictionary under 'power ballad'. Face melt - how come ze germans get the question but you don't?
  10. Maybe in the air tonight. or... Is 'You're the voice' by John Farnham technically a power ballad? If it is, that.
  11. Mastering = A good set of meters + a good set of ears. Even better get a mastering engineer to do it. Mixing and mastering are very different skills. I think too many people think they can do it all. Obviously if you're a one man show on a budget you do wat you have to, but for professional work, involve professionals. Also www.digido.com is one of the best places for mastering info. Bob Katz is one of the best.
  12. Deep breaths - shallow breathing will only enhance the panic. Concentrate on breathing all the way out, your body will take care of breathing in. Also maybe you're just excited? At least convince yourself you are. Excitement and anxiety are very similar feelings.
  13. I wonder why sites like this exist? http://www.securemac.com/ Anyway I'm still on the divide between mac and PC, I've currently got both, but this is great for anyone with barclays that has a PC. It's just saved me £50 anyway.
  14. I don't know if this is old news but I've just noticed that Barclays is offering the full Kaspersky suite for free to all of it's online customers. See here: http://www.personal.barclays.co.uk/BRC1/js...nk&site=pfs
  15. Better than the original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD7s4i_X-p0 edit. Wouldn't embed.
  16. Mysterio's bugged. He 's a sort of DJ magician so yeah there's a bit of trickery going on. Like that thing he did in '98 US where he put three copies of the magnificent on the turntable and ripped them all off one by one onto the transform sample - it took me ages to figure out what was going on. I like him. He's entertaining at least. More here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zw1oAFgaMA
  17. Is this your site X? http://www.welshit.co.uk/
  18. Depends on your graphics adapter.
  19. If they send me a letter telling me the curb my usage I'll send them a letter saying I'll curb my payments. My contract is up soon though so this is perfect for wrangling a cheaper contract or just fucking off somewhere else. They're taking the piss now. Looking at the tables though everyone needs to dl a shitload between 3 and 4.
  20. More to the point, it's none of their fucking business and what are they doing monitoring users online activity?
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