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doppelkorn last won the day on July 1 2015

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About doppelkorn

  • Birthday 09/23/1985

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    Loch Ness Monsters
    Beast of Bodmin Moors

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  1. Scratching is for the children. It's the kazoo of the music tech world. DIGEST THAT!
  2. This is what happens when you release an album age 20 about being in some weird made-up gang that's a cross between the mafia and a bunch of lethal buddhist monks and your public then affirms this view for 22 years so by the time you're in your 40s you think you're actually that.
  3. Ghost is a fucking child. Has anyone seen that clip of some reality show where he's on with his Mrs. (who might be a stripper or something?) and she's telling him off and he sits there like a kid who's told he can't have an ice cream?
  4. DJ Jaunty Hat. Pekked your voice is so nerdly!
  5. On Windows Phone (don't laugh) I had to DL a special FLAC player which didn't work, so mine doesn't
  6. Weird, I swear I replied to that last post Dirk, and your post Acts... @d1rk: I would if I needed the pure grunt, but I don't really. @Acts: I could say pretty much the exact same thing (dates and all) about my Dell Studio. I'm never convinced by stories like yours because it's often people who have poorly- maintained, sub-£500 PCs switching to c. £1k Macs and going "OMG it's so much faster!!". Not saying your story is necessarily the same... Aaaaaaaaaaanyway - the other night (when I thought I replied to the above posts) I did some online research as to exactly why people say Macs make them more productive. I always hear about how the "workflow is so much easier" and "it's intuitive" but I wanted to know what that actually meant. I found this long post form a web dev saying what specific features make him more productive in Windows (and discovered a few useful shortcut keys myself). This counter-argument for Mac falls a bit short for me because things like Expose just seem like a complicated version of the windows taskbar. I dunno. From having watched some music SW tutorial vids where the demo was on a Mac it looks like the internal midi/audio connectivity on a Mac is natively much smarter, like Chris says. That's a plus. I''ll have to go and have a play at the Apple store and have a proper mess with Win10. The lead dev at work has a Macbook so I'll also ask him what he sees in it...
  7. Hello, this is the DV helpdesk. What version of FF? What add-ons? Who is asking you to activate Flash and when? Throw me a fucking bone numly.
  8. I have a HAK 360 and I'm in the top 3 DJs on here along with Pub and Michelle so get one, I say.
  9. I'd quite like to be able to trial a Macbook for a few days to see if I get on with its workflows. For example I'm a big keyboard shortcut user and I suspect that'll be harder on a Mac. E.g. looking on this MacbookPro keyboard I can't see Home or End keys. I use them a LOT.
  10. This is an interesting comparison: http://www.trustedreviews.com/opinions/microsoft-surface-pro-3-vs-macbook-air Gives me a lot of food for thought. I'm really reluctant to be drawn into the dreaded Mac ecosystem though. How pervasive is it? Can I avoid using iTunes, for example?
  11. My boss has a Chinese Android phone and something went wrong with it so she took it to a shop and the shop said it was a piece of shit... I'm still thinking of the Moto G when I upgrade. I'm completely over having a high-end phone.
  12. Yeah Dell was my first port of call but I have a shaky relationship with that company. I wonder if he can blag a processor upgrade by phoning them up... I'm finding it hard to see past the Surface Pro 3/4...
  13. Office stuff and browsing so 4GB ram and a i3 ang 500GB HDD will be fine...he works/runs his business from home. I tried to sell him on the benefits of all these other form factors but he just wanted to get a new tower. He does travel for work but he said that when he's away he likes to be on the shop floor or meeting people and not disturbed.
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