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Newsagents in the UK to sell "porn passes" to people can view porn "anonymously", lol


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High street newsagents are to sell so-called "porn passes" that will allow adults to visit over-18 websites anonymously.


The 16-digit cards will allow browsers to avoid giving personal details online when asked to prove their age.


Instead, they would show shopkeepers a passport or driving licence when buying the pass.


The UK's film censor, the British Board of Film Classification, carried out a public consultation ahead of age-verification laws that are to be introduced this year that will require viewers to prove they are over 18 when viewing certain sites.


The legislation is designed to stop children accessing online pornography.



Perhaps one day we can get a party in power that understands personal responsibility, free speech etc. but until then, both sides are nanny state cunts. Fucking jokes.

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This sort of stuff seems so colossally stupid it is amazing it gets through. However, I sat in a meeting today where we all agreed a plan to do something was stupid but because someone more senior had put their foot down we have eventually lost the will to live and plan to do the stupid thing anyway. Such is life. People don't get less stupid the higher up you are unfortunately.

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