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Pokemon Go


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The pokemon red and blue games for the Nintendo DS cost me nearly £100 for the pair of them when they came out last year or year before & thats not including all the bloody merchandise ive had to get my kids as well


Tshirts, baseball hats,Pikachu onesies etc you name it


if its got Pokemon on it ,they want it unfortunately for me and Mrs D


is this new Pokemon the free one for android and iphone that still hasnt been released yet or is it avaliable to download now ?

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Oh God no !!


After picking up my two youngest from school this afternoon i have just been gleefully informed that 2 new Pokemon games Sun and Moon are due to be released in September for the 3DS


How wonderfull, Nintendo's timing couldn't be better, just after we have to buy the new uniform for the next school year !


How do these people sleep at night ??


(Nintendo, not my kids that is )

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I've never played a Pokemon game but a guy at the office got me into Go. It's basically an augmented reality version of geocaching so clearly right up my alley. The hardest part is trying to have the willpower not to play while driving since you cover so much ground.


How do these people sleep at night ??

(Nintendo, not my kids that is )


You're kids sleep at night? 8 years in and still no luck with that. Pretty sure I spawned vampires.

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Guest rasteri

I caught a bulbasaur in my flatmate's room while he was asleep and now he thinks I'm a sex offender, what am I supposed to do now?

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